The Hospital Above The Heavens{Part 3}

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One day in the mosque of Masjid al haram, some Egyptian and Turkish women were sitting close to me. They watched me crying and asked the reason for it. I told them, the first reason is that this is the first opportunity of my life to visit the holy house of Allah for which I have developed so much love and respect, which I could have never imagined. The second reason was that I'm suffering from cancer, that is why I'm humbly submitting before Allah.

Those women made a routine to sit around me after offering their salah prayers, and stay with me. This deeply attached us to Allah. Then I told them, "why should I not observe itikaaf (sit in solitude) in the mosque?" The women liked the idea and explained their willingness to join me. Though it was not Ramadan yet, their husbands allowed to do so also. We were now all were observing itikaaf in the House of Alalh.{Isn't a great feeling😍} Our entire day would be spent praising Allah, reciting from the holy Quran and offering nawafil prayers. Sleep was scant, and the desire to eat had almost diminished. A few morsels would serve our purpose and be sufficient for us. We would drink Zam Zam a great deal, as we remembered the saying if the prophet Muhmmad (P.B.U.H)

"Whatever wish with which zam zam is drunk, is fulfilled"
Sahih ibn Maja:3062

This meant that Allah almighty cures a disease of Zam Zam is drunk with that intention. If it is taken for seeking refuge if Allah, he allows the refuge. Therefore Allah the Almighty diminished our desire to eat ans satisfied us with the holy water of Zam Zam.

We women used to regularly circumambulate the ka'bah and offer two rakha prayers behind the station of Ibraheem upon its conclusion. Following this we used to restart the circumambulation. Zam Zam was readily available in case of some tiredness or hunger.

When I reached the ka'bah, I had lost a lot of weight and was very frail and weak. The upper part of my body was swollen and riddled with tiny red boils which reflected that cancer had fully spread there. My friends used to advice me to regularly wash the upper part of my body with Zam Zam, but the idea of touching the boils and the swelling would terrify me, making me shudder with fear even with the idea of washing them. Whenever I used to think of this terminal disease, my mind would entangle in it while deviating from the worship and praise of Allah. Anyhow, I began to eventually pour Zam Zam on my body without touching it.

Some days passed with this same routine. My friends forced me to wash my body with Zam Zam. Initially, I refused but later I felt that some inner force was motivating me to wash my body with Zam Zam. I did not follow it. The inner call came for the second time but again I did not respond to it as I was fearful of washing my body. Nevertheless, when my heart promopted me for the third time that I should definitely wash, I stood up and began to rub Zam Zam on my body and on to the breast which was full of Infected blood, puss and small boils. Surprisingly, my body began to quickly clear of all such things. One wondered where the small boils went missing. The excruciating pain and blood like puss all vanished!{Subhan Allah😍}

Assalamalikum dear readers

I'll update the next chap soon

Allah hafiz

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