Mandy Andie

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''Get in the car, there is nothing here.'' Lucas ordered Davis and Raymond, charging past them, out the door. Turning his head to look at the bullet riddled siding, the smashed garage doors, and the rearranged plantings.

''Is this your handy work Davis? He asked, walking fast, opening the scratched caddy door. Getting in. Davis following behind, Raymond at his heels.

''Where are we going?" Asked Davis panicked.

''Back to the house, you and your friend have to be secured. I am going after them."

''Nope, you ain't leaving me out of this, no fucking way! I am not waiting here!"

''Davis, this is not a meeting with reasonable minds. My sister is crazy, her son, worse. You will be safe here. At the house, please cooperate. I don't want to compel you to listen to me."

''I don't want to compel you to listen to me." Mimicked Davis, not accepting no for answer.

"Me too." Said Raymond, cheering for Davis.

''You will get in my way. I am not playing games Davis, they will hurt Andie or worse.''

''Better reason for me to go. I am going Lucas, she would go for me. You cant tell me not to help save my friend! She was my friend first, my best friend and you are not going without me! So go ahead and try to compel me motherfucker!"

"Davis, can you please explain few things to me?' Asked Lucas, changing the subject.

''Like what?''

''Like how on earth you compelled Marcus, to run in your pink heels? And where is my staff?"

Lucas fidgeted with the caddy's computer, waiting for Davis to explain. He accidentally hit the replay message. In his face for a second time was Davis on the screen toying with his hair, firing insults at him. Lucas shook it off again, and waited until it ended. He had to connect with his estate to see where the staff went, if Marcus had found them.

"You looked great." Said Raymond from the back seat.

''Shut it Raymond!" Davis said.

''Where is the staff? How did you manage to escape, you can start with explaining this to me."

''I don't remember.'' Davis lied.

''You don't remember? You are lying Davis, I need to know what you did. Don't start lying to me.''

''I used this.'' He opened his fanny pack and showed Lucas the potion.

''I think we can use it to get her back.''

''Absolutely not! The staff is gone, do you have any idea where they could be? Give that to me! Catarina will be furious with us both for this! You have no idea what that can do. If you ask for something it could be a disaster! Give it to me! NOW! Lucas was done with games, furious with Davis, and that Andie had went along with him.

''Fine, but I."

''NO BUTS DAVIS! Lucas screamed at him. Holding out his hand demanding the potion.

''There are 16 staff members missing, all because you thought you could magically make disappear, so where are they?"

''All I said was the house was empty, meaning they were not in the house, I don't know I did not mean to do anything to them. This is your fault not mine! He yelled back.

Lucas huffed and fussed with the screen, getting a signal he sent a message home.

A signal came back. And a call was coming through. It was Arthur.

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