This Is Where It All Started

712 21 13

Your POV~

I finally arrived in Seoul! I came from Kunsan and lived in a share house but it burned down because a guy accidentally forgot he left the stove on. Anyways I hopped off the bus and went into the bus station. I was looking all over for my cousin Krystal. She's not hard to miss. She's a little bit plump and has blue hair. I was looking and looking until I saw a sign with my name on it "Y/N" spelt out in..... noodles....

What is up with my cousin and her noodle phobia...

I came towards her and greeted her with a smile. She screeched and jumped up and down. She ran up to me and gave me a bear hug. I was suffocated as she emrbraced me tightly. I couldn't even move a muscle nor could I even speak.

She finally let go as she realized I was literally turning purple

I coughed a little bit due to the suffocation

Krystal let out a giggle "tehe, sorry"

I shook my head " no it's fine" I said still trying to recover.

She help me get my bags and we headed off to her apartment. When we arrived her apartment was above her noodle shop. Wow isn't that convenient. We went through the noodle shop and up stairs was where the apartment was. We came up and went inside. She was showing me around and telling me where and what this and that is. She finally showed me to my room.

"And here's your room" she said as she opened the doors

I examined the place.It was a simple. Walls were painted crème, a wooden bed in the corner, and a wooden desk beside a huge window that showed the city of Seoul

The view was spectacular! If this is what it looks in the day time I wonder what it looks during the night

"Wow. The view is amazing Krystal"

"Yeaa....that's one thing I love about this place. It holds beautiful views of the city"

I sighed

"thank you Krystal...really thank you...if it weren't for you I would of been stuck on the streets with no where to go."

She patted my back

"Anything for my cousin and besides your gonna help me run this shop anyways since your living here for free"

I chuckled "of course"

"Be ready at 7 in the morning tomorrow. The noodle shop opens at 8 and we need to get things set up"

"De!" I said (de is yes in Korean.)

Next Morning>>>>>>>

I woke up at 5:00 am. I went into the bathroom and took a shower, brushed my teeth, and dried my hair. I came into my room and shoved on some denim skinny jeans on and a white tank top. I put on my black flats and took my apron and headed down stairs to the noodle shop. I heard rambling of kitchen utensils . I went to check and I saw Krystal going through pots and pans


She looked up

"Oh hey! Goodmoning!" She said still searching for something

"What are you looking for?" I asked

"Oh just something...mind calling my phone for me?"

"Uh..yea sure okay" I took my phone out and dialed Krystal's number

Her phone was ringing to the sound of the band Boyfriends song Obsession in one of the pots

"FOUND IT!" She yelled as she lifted her phone where I could see

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