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I saw the door knob turn

"Wait no!" I screamed running toward the door and leaning my body against it so he couldn't open it

"Why? I need to hand you something"

"Something?" I asked in confusion

"Just barely open the door and I'll hand it to you"

I turned the door knob slowly and slightly opened the door and sticked my head out

Youngmins face was turned away while he handed me something. I looked at his hand to see


My eyes widen.


I quickly snatched it out if his hands and slammed the door shut

I slowly breathed in and out.

I felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack!

"Yah!" I screamed across the door

"What?" He asked

"Why did you go through my suit case!?"

"Well I saw you head to the bathroom without grabbing anything and I knew you had nothing to wear so I just went in there."

"Who gave you the right to go there!?"

"Tsssk. It's not like whatever you brought in that luggage of yours was sexy anyways. Granny panties."

I gasped

"YOUNGMINNAH!" I screamed through the door

"I'll make sure to take you to Victoria Secrets cause obviously you didn't get the secret."

I could feel my self boil up. I was embarrassed and angry at him. He's such a douche! You think he's this angelic sweetheart but under that disguise is a devil.

"You just wait mr. Jo Youngmin."

He let out a laugh "what are you gonna do? Huh"

"I'm gonna-I'm gonna-" I couldn't think of anything.

"Just hurry and get changed. Your wasting my time." Youngmin said

I can't believe him. This dude is really something. Unbelievable.

I shoved on my pajamas and slowly opened the door. Youngmin was leading against the wall smirking me at me.

I rolled my eyes at him

He let out a chuckle "your pissed at me"

I looked at him "obviously? You went through my luggage when you could of just brought me my whole suit case."

"It's not that big of a deal and don't worry the stuff i saw didn't turn me on so don't make it such a big deal"

I scoffed at him

"You know what I'm tired and I'm just gonna end it here. Since you pissed me off good luck trying to get into the bedroom"

He looked at me with his eye brows knitted "what?"

I ran into the bedroom locking it before he could even reach me

He chased after me but I closed the door and locked it


I giggled "what?" I said teasingly

"Unlock this door now!"

Fake FiancéeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz