Its Over...

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Youngmins POV

"Y-y-Youngmin....I don't love you.."

Her words were sharp as knives but her eyes were telling me something else. There was pain but she couldn't hide it from me. I didn't know what to believe so I just went for whatever I got. She turned her back and started walking until I stopped her.

"Liar." I hissed

She paused and turned around to look at me

"W-what did you just say?"

I began to walk closer towards her as she stood frozen still in place.

"Liar. Don't tell me any of that 'I don't love you' shit. That doesn't work for me, it's either you tell me right now why your ending this or things will get uglier. Why are you breaking up with me? Huh? Is it Kalina? What did she say to you? Don't fucking lie to me, I love you too much to let you go this easily."

"Youngmin please...don't make this harder than it is...I-"

"Than tell me what's going on!? Why did you just randomly end the fake engagement without acknowledging me about it!? What happened to our original plan where we would stick with engagement until my mom leaves??? Why all of a sudden huh!?"

From that moment I saw a tear drop fall from the corners of her eyes and I knew from that on that I should soften my tone towards her

"...y/n...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you like that...I'm just I-" I reached my hand towards her arm but she pulled away

"Kalina found out about the fake engagement Youngmin and she said that if I don't end it with you that she will expose it to your mom."

"H-h-how did Kalina find out?" I asked

"Remember that day when we were at the restaurant with your mom and she left early and it was just us? Well remember when we were talking about the fake engagement? Kalina.....she...she was there and she managed to ease drop on our conversation...that's how she found out....that's what she told me......."

"And so she threatened you that if you don't end it with me that she will tell my mom?"

She nodded
"I couldn't let that happen so I'm breaking every tie between us off. I don't want your mom to be disappointed in you...its fine that she's disappointed in me but not you...her own child...Its just best we never see each other again Youngmin...please..." She whimpered

A few more tears streamed down her face and she wiped it with the back of her hand

"...Y/n..please don't leave me over this...please" I said as I went to reach for her hand. I grasped it firmly and look into her eyes but she kept avoiding in looking into mine

"Y/n look at me please...I'll fix this. Let Kalina tell my mom. I don't care. I'll fix everything but just please please don't leave me. You already constantly on my mind and the thought of not having you as mine anymore will already feel like hell. So please y/n....I'm begging you....won't you stay with me?"

Your POV
the sound of desperation, frustration, pain, anger was mixed into his voice. His eyes were already watery but he was holding back the tears. His grasped on my hand was firm but yet again soft.

"..y/n please..answer me." He whimpered

Tears were already streaming and the droplets hit the gravel ground. I bit my lip and looked into his brown mushy eyes that were alluring and seducing. his jaw was clenched and he was trembling with worry that he was gonna loose me

"I'll fix it y/n..ill fix things I'll tell my mom everything...she'll be disappointed in me..i know...but it won't be as bad as loosing you....don't leave me like this....."

Fake FiancéeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz