?? mute ??

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Idk how to start this one 😂

Sals pov

"Iwnfosntisnfiwjfbosofnekdienfo" (thats what an alarm clock sounds like to me)

I slam my hand on my alarm clock to shut it up. I think i scared gizmo. I just want to sleep longerrrrr.

But i get up anyway because we have school. Today is Wednesday witch is also human flesh day at school. I don't know how people dont realize that there is human in that 'meat'. I gag at the thought.

Anyway i get dressed and do my hair and put my prosthetic on and head down to larrys. I almost fogot my backpack but i did grap it.

On my way out my door gizmo attacked my leg and i fell. "Fucking shit giz" i wisper and get back up.

The thing is, is that im a mute but i can still make sounds. I havent talked in over 5 years... I think? But recently ive been working on talking again. But im practicing in my own time. And its taking time but its getting better i guess.

Larry, todd, ash and neil dont know about me trying to talk again. I dont want them to know yet. I think they would just ask alot of questions and i don't want to answer them right now. But if i ever needed somthing i could just ask them. I trust them.

On my way down to larrys i notice the stupid elevator music changed. Todd must have changed it again. That bitch.

The annoying ding from the elevator dings telling me to 'get the fuck out right now before i eat your soul'. I walk out and walk into larrys place. I basically live here so i can just walk in.

I go and grab 2 pans before i walk into larrys room. I walk in and he is sleeping. I stare at his amazing face for a little longer before i slam both pans together to wake larry up.

"AHHHH HOLY FUCKS- I HATE YOU" he jolts up and yells at me while he haves a heart attack. I laugh and its usually quiet but a mini squeak come out of my mouth. I dont think larry heard it because he is still breathing really hard so i pretend nothing happened.

I grab my note book from my back pack and a pencil and wright down that we need to get going or we will be late for school.

I walk out of the room and raid his fridge and grab a juice and sit on the counter while i wait for him to get ready. He walks out after 3 minutes and walks over to me.

He stares at me for a second and then grabs my ankle and looks at it.

"Bro your ankle is bleeding. What happened? " he says.

I look at my ankle and he is not lying. I am bleeding but not alot. I grab my note pad.

"It was brobs gizmo" i wright down.

"One day sal i think that cat is going to kill you. I swear" he sighs.

I get off the counter and grab his wrist and drag him out of the apartment. While we walk to school i think if the best idea. I start to 'giggle' and i have to stop and put my hands on my knees to contain myself. Larry is just giving me a confused look but is giving me a lop sided grin.

I get my phone out of my pocket and text larry my idea.

Sal: travis' locker filled with pickles. Ya know cuz he HATES pickles.

"Sally face that is a stupid but a good idea." He says while laughing. i grin and drag him to the gas station that is 3 minutes away from school.

We ended up buying 5 jars of pickles. We put them in my back pack and then walk to school.

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