Sebastian x Angel!reader [ Secret love ]

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You were an Angel, a sweet angel who did nothing wrong and is very pure and innocent. You were aware of fallen angels, Shinigamis and ofcourse demons, knowing your kind
hated demons as much as they despise the impure it didnt stop you by befriending one while you were with Ash. The demon's name was ' Sebastian Michaelis ' well that was what his master named him, but you couldn't give a care about his real name.
You were a maid of Queen Victoria like Ash who is the Queen's personal butler, today you were given a task from the queen to deliver a letter to the phantomhives. Mostly Ash does this kind of job but he was busy preparing for the Queen nephew's birthday, now you glide through the sky with your white wings as you felt air flowing around you as you glide to the Phantomhive's mansion. As you glide through the sky you cant help but think about your friend Sebastian, but can you really call him Friend if you certainly had a crush on him? But that's forbidden for an Angel and a Demon to fall inlove and produce an offspring hell, before you can do the dingy steamy part you're already in the chambers as you were locked away for punishment. Angels would face their wings being removed, being a fallen angel and the worst, be sent straight to hell. Though even if you know the punishments of the Angel's if they broke a rule, you cant seem to say the same for the Demons and Shinigamis or death gods.

You cant help but wonder aswell,
But you have no rights to stick your nose into the other inhuman beings. You sighed before gliding through the air as you cant help but look down to the Humans and shinigamis, you can see full well what the shinigami in red was doing with the bloodied man on the alleyway as it was being shot down by the other people. You chuckled as you countinued to reach your destination " Angels can see Shinigamis but they cant interfere with their work at all. " you thought before finally you landed in the large mansion, your white [ Flats| heels |Boots | etc. ] fluttered to the ground as you hid your white pure wings as you hold the white envelope with a red stamp on the middle with the symbol of the Queen's royal position. As you walked to the main entrance of the manor, you knocked softly as you patiently waiter for The other servants or Sebastian to answer the door for you. A few seconds in and the door opened to reveal the devilishly handsome Butler in black " Lady [ Name ], nice to see you again. What brings you here? " Sebastian asked as he lets you in like a gentleman he is, you only giggled lightly as you showed him the letter " I'm here to deliver this to Earl Ciel Phantomhive " you said showing him the letter as he only looked at it before smirking devilishly " the young Lord is off with errands with his Fiançe and told me to stay for the matters, the other servants are with the young Lord. Leaving me only here in the manor. " he said as he took the envelope from your hands as he hold out his hands to yours " Would you like some tea, Lady [ Name ]? " he asked as you smiled lightly as you welcomingly took his hand, mostly Angels would refuse this for demons do have a smooth tounge but not you " yes, of course Mr. Sebastian. " you said laughing as Sebastian only sighed, he doesn't like being called in high authority by others like his masters or people in nobolity. But even if you were a mere servant to the Queen he still didn't like it when you call him that way, Sebastian led you to his master's office and treated you like a guest itself which you were newly of since of course you are a servant like Sebastian.

" S-sebastian, you don't need to treat me like a guest for Im still a servant. " you said but before you could rise from your seat Sebastian had pinned you down by pushing you hard on the chair you sat on, his face close to yours inches from your lips touching each other ofcourse the scene made you blush. That you started to panic in your head as you tried to pry him off you, but of course he was strong with his grip with yours that you could only moved him in a inch. Even though you were an Angel, you wouldn't want to hurt Sebastian don't you? You squirmed for awhile as you gave up eyeing him with your [ Eye color ] eyes " Sebastian, please. Get off me. " you said trying to sound strong and tough but he only smirked as he slowly closed the gap between the two of you, your soft lips touching his as your eyes wide as saucers as your blush was almost like a tomato. The kiss was romantic and genuine that when Sebastian pulled away he can't help but chuckle " Aren't you just an Adorable kitten, [ Name ]? " Sebastian said which made you flustered as you rolled your eyes looking like you don't care but you can see that he only smiled at your actions, after the kiss Sebastian had already have the tea ready for the two of you as you guys chatted before his young master has come back.

Earl Ciel Phantomhive was a mess when he entered his office has a blonde girl in pink seemed to follow him and strangle him alive, you looked at Sebastian at confusion before he goes to your ear and whispered ' That is the young master's fiance, Lady Elizabeth Midford. '. Seeing the two you couldn't help but chuckle on how complete opposites these two were, Elizabeth being joyful and happy while Ciel is expressionless and cold. But you couldn't help but also think on how these two also symbolizes the two of you and Sebastian, You are an Angel while Sebastian is a Demon. Both two inhuman kinds that somehow got together even though they're supposed to despised eachother, after you delivered the mail to Ciel and being complimented by Elizabeth it was time for you to go. Sebastian escorted you outside the manor, your hand holding his as he opened the door with grace. You got out as the two of you stare at each other before you kissed Sebastian on the cheek as you saw him faintly blush " Goodbye Sebastian, it was nice to have tea with you. " you said as your wings slowly appeared, he smiled and lifted your head kissing you again, but this one was quite short but still holds the affection. You were the one to pull away as you knew you were running short on time " Goodbye my kitten~ " he said petting your soft [ Hair color ] hair as you giggle, you took Sebastian's hand off your head before you started to walk away for a few meters before smiling like a Cheshire Cat and looking at Sebastian from behind your wings.

' Meow~ '

You said re-enacting like a cat before taking flight laughing like a maniac, after you reach back to the palace you were greeted by Ash " How was the flight [ Nickname ]? " he asked as you smiled hiding the something black in your hands " it was great Ash, I'll have to see you later~ " you said before running to your room and placing the a small statue of a crow on your bed table, as you smiled at it. Remembering your Raven friend,
' Sebastian Michaelis. '


to be honest with you guys this was suppose to be a lemon but I just gave up since I kept laughing and I couldn't take it seriously,
So I decided to change it and keep it PG.

But when I did my keyboard actually autocorrected ' Squirted ' than ' Squirmed '. MmmMmmmmMmMMMMMMMMMmm, this keyboard knows me too well~

Bye [Name]-Senpai.

Author-Vii Out!~

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