Ronald X Will'sDaughter!reader [ Silly Womanizer ]

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Did you ever expect that William T. Spears, the most respected and head of the Grim reaper's dispatch has a daughter? Yep he does have a daughter and that's me! [ Name ] T. Spears is William's daughter, [ Name ] is one of the few girls who were able to do soul collecting. You were paired with a dude named Ronald Knoxx who have a motto of being the " Next Die Hard, Reaper! ", after the two of you passed the exams and got your spectacles and own sycthe. The two of you got closer and became good friends who have each other's back for eachother, you have learn a few things about Ronald. He's such a playboy towards any girl in the office, its not that you dont like him but he's charms are quite irresistible that you gave in and your view towards him changed as you looked at him as your Crush. Ronald was a hard person to keep a crush on since he keeps on flirting on girls here and there but you still didn't give your feelings up, you and Ronald have an important task to do this week for you and him will go to france to visit the french dispatch to resolve what was happening around the dispatch.

[ Victorian Era: July 2, 1889 7:07 am ]

You woke up by the sound of your alarm as you sat up from your bed and started to fix it, after you did you started to get suit up for the day. You wore a black pants, [ Dark fav color ] vest-like-coat and blackish brown boots, you fixed your hair into a simple bun as you got out of your room as you saw your dad preparing breakfast for the both of you. You smiled as you saw that your Father is also wearing an apron, you walked towards the table and sat down " Goodmorning Dad. " you said as you patiently waited for breakfast to be served, you observe your dad flipping the pancakes perfectly before puttibg it down on a plate " Goodmorning [ Nickname ], did you slept well last night? " your father asked as he sat down with two plates on hand which had chocolate and bluberry pancake and have eggs on the side along with some morning tea, you first smelled the aroma of your tea before answering your father " I slept well, how about you Mr. Spears?~ " you said childishly before giggling as your father smiled at your childishness, William or your Father isnt an heartless and emotionless man. He's just having a hard time to show what he really feels for anyone but then again dont mistake him for being weak he's quite strict even to his own Daughter " I slept fine... " your father said before he adjusted his spectacles as he sipped the morning tea, you rolled your eyes as you looked at your father with your enchanting green-yellow chartreuse eyes " Its about mom again, isnt it? " you asked as the silence overwhelm the table at the mention of an Mother inside the house, you never met your mother since she died before you could turn 3-years-old. Your father always said that " Your Mother has already passed her judgement, thats why she's no longer here with us. " but you never believed it was real after all why were you even born in the first place if reapers are meant to be judged to pass death but your not dead. Right?

The tension was still thick so you decided let the conversation aside as you started to eat faster so that you wouldn't be late, you bid goodbye to your father who will follow up later. As you ran down to the dispatch you were greeted by a familiar Redhead " Good morning Darling [ Nickname ]! How is Will, darling?~ " he asked as you only laughed at grell before rolling your eyes " Dad is fine, he dreamt about mom but other than that he's good " you said as Grell scoffed at the word 'Mom' when you said it, you weren't wondering why though and you knew the reason why he hated the word mom or mother for that is the reason for his suicide. You smiled at Grell and bid your goodbyes to him as you walked pass a few rooms before you reached the main lobby for the Soul Collecters, a familiar blondenette flirting to an unfamiliar woman who seemed to be flustered from all the flirting she has been receiving as the woman started to flirt back. It was a weird sight but it doesn't take the fact that your stomach spited with jelousy, you tried to ignore the hatred feeling as you approach the two " Good morning Ronald!~ " you said as the two as Ronald saw you he smiled and stood up to hug you " good morning to you too, [ Nickname ]-Chan! " he said as he hugged you tightly, your butterflies soaring through the sky as a blush lightly covered your cheeks. The woman seemed disgusted and offended when you two were hugging eachother but its only a friendly gesture, its not like Ronald belongs to this woman " [ Name ], meet Mikan. She's from the french Dispatch and she'll be helping us through the way " Ronald said as he untangle you from his hug before pointing at Mikan who stood up with Confidence and smiled at me " Damn, she's a very beutiful Poison.. " you thought before smiling back " Bonjoúr! Je'mápple Mikan Rosée, commençava [ Name ]-Senpai. " She said as her green chartreuse Phrousporus eyes glowed a yellow glint, as she pulled out her hand so i could shake it. I took her hand firmly shaking it before i let go as she adjusted her black and white Bonnét, she was very good at acting for all you know she might've won the best award. Ronald then took your hand as you blushed ever so slightly as he looked at Mikan " Care to join us with a cup of coffee, Mika? " Ronald proposed as Mikan accepted as he grabbed onto Mikan's hand as the two of you were dragged over to the Coffee maker, once we make it to the coffee maker Ronald winkes at me as i only nodded knowing what it means you prepared the coffee beans, sugar, creamer and hot water. The three of you talked about things like what is it like in France and the legendary Reaper reaping the soul of Marie Antoinette, but its more of short and meanigless conversations here and there. You looked over to Ronald who's green-yellow eyes shining while he talks to HER " he really is interested in her... " you thought mentally frowning as you listened and drank coffee, after awhile of listening in it was time for the three of you to go home and pack for a week in france. When you stood up hoping for that you'll be able to ask Ronald to walk you home, mikan shoved you out of the way as she smiled at him " Ronald-senpai, i saw a new cafe open nearby. Would you like to check it out? " she said as she sweetly looked at him as Ronald looked at her then you " How about [ Nickname ]? " Ronald asked as you shined a little until Mikan gave you a threatening glare as if it was telling you to not go, you sighed as you rejected Ronald's offer as you dont want to put up with the B*tch.

You walked home as you heard Mikan giggle like a little school girl clinging on Ronald like he Belongs to her, it really irratated you but you didnt wanna buy up your feelings of jealousy. When you came home you immediately gone to your room to pack up, you pack all your necessities into a [ Fav. Color ] travel bag. After that you gone downstairs to cook dinner for yourself and for your dad later on, after you ate you were called by Ronald that you two have a soul to reap at 11:30pm sharp. You sighed as you wrote a note for your dad to know where you'll be heading and after that you grab your [ Sytche of Choice ] and the death list, then you were off to go to the location Ronald told you off.

[ Timeskip: By AuthorChan dying from all of The math homework. ]

" Monette Cadenza? " you asked as you put your [ Sycthe of Choice ] on the [ ground/Your Shoulder ] as Ronald nodded as he put his lawn mower on the roof of the manor as he looked at the garden of roses, the night was a very peaceful one but it had to be stained by the death of this little girl from a murderer. It was currently 11:15pm and you and Ronald sat at the edge of the rooftopas the two of you talked about certain topics, everthing was going fine until he suddenly stopped talking which caught you off guard " Ronald, you okay? " you asked as he looked down back to the garden before facing you " Were you jealous with me and Mikan earlier? " he asked as you shutted your mouth making sure it didnt made any noise, you shook your head with a ' No ' not wanting to be embarrassed by him, he seemed unsatisfied and slowly move closer to you and each move he made. It made your heart thump faster than it was before and when your faces where almost touching yoy panicked and scooted away alittle with a blush on your face, your butterflies flying uncontrollably as your Heart almost wanted to leap out of you " Y-yes! I....was a bit jealous.... " you admitted with a blush on your face from emberrassment, Ronald chuckled at your behavior a light pink blush dusted on his cheeks while he put up his hand over his mouth trying to contain his laughter " My, my~ your so cute, [ name ]. " he said as he chuckled even more as you blushed more redder, you crossed your arms while trying to look stern but it cant be helped by your blush. Ronald only smiled at your actions as he slowly scooted himself to you and closed the gap between you two, you tensed up as you slowly put your crossed arms on his shoulders as you relaxed through the kiss. It wasnt that long but it wasnt that short, it was almost to perfect. After you both broke up you two cant help but blush at eachother, Ronald looked at you with a cheesy smile and looked at your green-yellow eyes " I love you, [ Name ]....Will you be mine? " Ronald asked as you only smiled at him with delight and lightly kissed his cheek which earned a blush for him " Ofcourse silly! I will be yours, you little womanizer... " you said as you jokingly said the end which gave Ronald an irk mark " Hey, im no womanizer! " Ronald said childishly as you giggled.

" Says the one who, flirts with every girl in the dispatch~" you teased as Ronald sighed in defeat, as then he carried his lawnmower before checking his watch " lets get this soul before we get overtime, yeah? " Ronald said as you nodded as you started to carry your Sycthe as you prepare for the girl to be slowly be took away from life, Ronald turned to you and smiled " Though, i wouldn't mind overtime if your with me though~ " he said smirking at you which made you blush furiously " Oh shut up... " you replied as he only chuckled as the two of you did your jobs.

With your new silly 'Womanizer' boyfriend.


" Your a couple now, darling?~ " Grell said as you nodded, he smiled at the news " Well isnt that wonderful news! Tell me, did he tasted good?~ " Grell asked teasingly as you blushed at him with a facepalm " We didn't do anything Grell..." You said as he only rolled his eyes sassily.


Dear Requester,

Im so sorry if im veryy late!! ;-; i got caught up with my studies, im sorry if it didn't meet up with your expectations.

- Author Vii

Thank you for requesting Ultimate_Anime_Bean !

Bye [Name]-Senpaii!

Author-Vii Out!~

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