7* A Leap in the Dark

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The sun burnt unrelentingly to the already dried out soil, land and slip road were deserted. Wind raised trails of dust and sent twiggy plants across the deserted farmyard. The trees in the olive grove were much taller than Leonor remembered them. They provided now a wispy shade, protecting the undergrowth beneath. The vineyard on the other side of the rolling hills was overgrown with shrubbery. Neglect dominated the area as far as the eye could see. Only the lordly manor underlined the once moneyed character of Leonor's birthplace. The roof, windows and doors were still intact and the feudal stone carvings frowned across to the large gate to muster the unwelcome visitors.

"I'm not going further," said Martina's father. "There have been too many incidents in the past years. I told you already, yobs and decent people tried to get in, but they have never been the same afterwards. The municipality owns everything after the legal expropriation of your family, but they have never been able to use one square meter of that land. Do you really want to go into that house again?"

"I must go."

"There is always a choice," grumbled the wizard.

"Yes, but I need to go. I want to return where everything started, to bury the evil inside myself, once and for all time. Please go back. I will be alright." Leonor embraced Martina's father and gave him an encouraging nod.

"God bless you, girl!" The old man turned and walked briskly along the remote street into the direction of the village. They had discussed the visit of García's estate since Leonor arrived with Martina and Luiz in Argentina; they tried to persuade Leonor to not interfere with whatever affected the place. Now, Leonor watched him leaving until he disappeared in a curve. He and Luiz would return to this place at nightfall to pick her up, hopefully she was ready by then.

Leonor monitored the property for a while. Nothing moved anymore. The olive trees stood idle and the arid grass stopped its dance in the warm wind. Even the dust stopped to pollute the air. Red earth, blue sky and the early morning sun framed the lost place like a picture postcard; the view was much too innocent.

"Wand at the ready!" whispered Leonor to herself. "I know you watch me!"

She was not alone. The witch thought hard about the jinxes on that property. José was killed and father arrested. They had no time to secure the ground and building when the police came to capture them. Juan must have been the last to fence off everything in a nightly action. Of course, he didn't capitulate easily.

"Come out!" called Leonor and pointed her wand at the handles. Nothing happened and she called again forcefully.

"Alohomora!" The gate creaked and eventually opened wide with too much delay.

"Caipora, I command you to obey!" The silence became more oppressive.

"I am Ana García Hernández. I am the rightful heir and the only living member of the García family. The master who bound you to haunt that property is dead. I am here to set you free."

Leonor stepped purposefully behind the gateposts and towards the entrance of the manor. A rustling made her turn, and she saw a group of seven grim-looking Caipora. Their clothing wasn't better than rags. Iron chains mangled their backward-facing feet for years. The usually boyish and mischievous spirits looked miserable and old. Leonor had never seen such gaunt Caipora. She didn't like the spirit-beings, but that view created a heart-rending sadness in her chest. The creatures could not speak. They growled and it sounded already like a dying fit of resistance for the simple hope of help.

"You will assist me as long as I search the grounds and the buildings. Do you understand?" hissed Leonor and received another growl. She couldn't release them yet.

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