18* A Perfect Day

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18th of July 1997

The outline of the house above the cliffs loomed in the distance. A chilly wind rattled the shutters of the cottage; no light escaped through any of the windows. A rough thunderstorm cleared the air of dust and the summer's heat. Heavy clouds hang over the sea and the wind blew scattered grey shadows across the grass land. Lightnings struck the land in the distance.

Severus shivered slightly. The draughty air wrenched his cloak and hair. He was soaked wet from lurking in the middle of the rain since sunset. He had been on the run for more than two weeks. The ministry controlled all means of transport and had been close on Severus' heels. He misled them and preferred now the nature over a shelter at Malfoy Manor; he couldn't stand Lucius snotty patter anyway. Severus also used a chance to speak to the portrait of Albus Dumbledore in the headmaster's office while the whole wizarding world attended the funeral. The Aurors discovered the intrusion by now and had a good feeling to control floo network and apparitions from and to Malfoy Manor. He had to be careful until the ministry had fallen.

Severus was tired from hiding, worn-out from conscience and concerned if Mundungus Fletcher convinced the Order of the Phoenix to transport Potter using decoys. He'd done his best to plant the idea in the head of the thief inspired by Dumbledore's orders.

Today all was different. He followed a foreboding. Something in his stomach told him about a danger, and he lured in the darkness to fight whoever broke the peace of that place. But everything was quiet, and Severus cursed himself that he couldn't control the apothecary in Hogsmeade. The village was alive with Aurors and most of them keen to catch Severus Snape. He was unsure if Leonor really moved here.

Severus still observed the cottage when thin white smoke escaped from the chimney. Somebody was at home and red sky at the horizon announced the new day. Leonor must be awake, and Severus strode with large steps towards the door. At last, it was about time to see her. He waited long enough, and nobody followed him. He was sure of that.

He entered the corridor and put his broomstick next to the others. The fireplace in the kitchen held only dying embers, but the stove had just been inflamed. The place was still cold. Severus had his wand at the ready. Paranoia of the run from the ministry clasped his heart. Something moved in the bedroom and a sparse light appeared under the crack of the door. Severus entered slowly; the door made no noise.

The shutters were closed, candles and the orange glow of the fire illuminated the room well. An old woman bent over a small tub with hot water next to the fireplace, dressed in a hospital gown. The white apron above the smock was smeared with some blood. She hummed a melody. Severus opened the door farther, searching for Leonor. At that moment the old woman noticed and yelled at him.

"Goddamn, go out!"

A charm hit Severus' chest, and he stumbled backwards. He blocked the next attack.

"Bastard, get lost."

The old woman raged like wild, defending the room staunchly.

"I know your face Severus Snape. I've no misgivings killing you."

"It's alright, Caryn," came a faint voice from the bed. The midwife didn't even hear it and Severus blocked the spells raining on him, too paralysed fighting back.

"Caryn," screamed Leonor with what sounded like the last strength. "Let him be, he's the father."

Caryn stopped dead in her tracks. The magic wand hung still high in the air. Severus shoved her aside and kneeled next to the bed. Leonor lay under a thin white blanked, her face pale, the dark hair stuck wet to her forehead.

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