Chapter 11

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*1 month later*

Jas'mariee's POV

"We are gathered here today to join Jas'mariee Lopez, and Jacob Perez in holy matrimony" the pastor said

Oh my gosh... this is it. I am going to be Mrs. Jas'mariee Perez.

"You look beautiful " Jacob mouthed to me

I smiled and mouthed back "Thank you "

"Who would like to say their vows first? " the pastor asked

"OH OH OH MEEE! " Jacob exclaimed like a little kid

Everybody including me laughed

Jacob smiled "Well Jas'mariee, today is the day we've been waiting for. We've had some pretty crazy times together. Like the time we had that food fight at our old home, or the time we were both so pissed at eachother we LITERALLY fought, or the time I found out you were pregnant... through good, and bad times our relationship only became stronger. Jas I promise to take care of You and love you for the rest of our lifes. I love you "

"Awwwww! " the audience exclaimed

Tears of house were steaming down my face and Jacob wiped It with his handkerchief

"Damn I have no idea how I'm going to to top that.. " I admitted

Everybody laughed including Jacob

"Well uh.. Jacob Like You don't know this already I love You. You have put up with me for all this time and honestly I don't know how you do it. I even drive myself crazy sometimes. But see, that's what I love about you. No matter how many times I pout,whine, yell,you still love me. I can't believe you went from the person I hated most to the love of my life. I can't imagine being with anyone else but you.Thank you for loving me, caring for me, accepting me for who I am, and most importantly,thank you for making me a mommy " I smiled

Jacob smiled and kissed my hand

"Do you, Jacob Perez-"

"I DO! " Jacob yelled cutting off the pastor

The pastor chuckled "Do I even have to ask you? "

I giggled and shook my head no

"I now pronounce you husband, and wife... You know what to do "

Everyone cheered as Jacob and I shared a passionate kissed.

I felt someone tugging on my dress. I broke away from the kiss and Antonio had his hands up for me to carry him

I picked him up and Jacob and I both kissed Antonio's cheek


"Well well well looks like the ugly one got married before me " Elijah said walking up to me with a girl

I playfully rolled my eyes

"Oh come here! "  he said putting his arms out for a hug

I smiled and gave him a hug, then I slapped him

"OW! "

"That's what You get for getting Marisol pregnant again! "

Him and the girl laughed

"What's so funny?" I asked

"I forgot to tell you....she lied."

"Oh...sorry "

"It's cool.. oh Jas this is Kendall! "

"Nice to meet you, and Congrats! " Kendall smiled

Hm. I like this girl "Thank You! "

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