Chapter 18

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Unknown POV

I fucking hate everyone. Jas'mariee, Kendall, Elijah, Jacob, Rayan, Kiara...they all make me want to puke.  But what they don't know is that I've been planning something for months now.  I will get my revenge. Those bitches better watch out.

I will get my revenge.

Jas'mariee's POV

Ever since Alexander and I kissed I've been so jumpy. Everytime Jacob says something I get so nervous and feel so guilty and-

"Babe? " Jacob asked

I snapped out of my thoughts "Um yeah?"

"You okay? "

Dammit here comes the stuttering.

"Y-yeah I-I'm fine. " I lied

Did I mention I also stutter when he talks to me now?

"Jas you've been really jumpy lately. "

"NO I HAVEN'T!!! "

"And defensive...."

I just shrugged my shoulders

"You need to relax...want a massage. "

"N-no "

"Y-yeah you do shut up. " he goofed mocking my stuttering

I rolled my eyes

He chuckled and kissed my cheek " I have things to do see you later. "

Things to do?  And why is he kissing my cheek like I'm 5?

"What things? " I asked

He turned around "What do you mean? "

"What things do you have to do? "

"Just things babe, why? "

"Alright bye then. "

"I love you "

I nodded and he left

What is Jacob Perez up to?

Jacob's POV

"Why did you call me to come over? " Lexi asked.

I ignored her question and brought her into a kiss.

She pulled away "Wait um.. I can't "

"What do you mean? "

"Look I know I was flirting with you mad hard the other day, and I'm sorry, but you and I can't happen!! Jas'mariee is an amazing girl. "

"Come on Lexi! " I said trying to kiss her again

"Jacob stop!! " she warned pushing me and about to walk away

I roughly grabbed her arm


"Come on Lexi, one time won't hurt! "

"Jacob you're fucking married!!!  "

"I know. "

She slapped the shit out of me

"You're pathetic. " she spat leaving her house.

Kendall's POV

"Babeeeeeee? "

"Whatttttttttt? " Elijah replied mocking me

"I want ice cream. "

"Okay,use your legs to get some "

"Bitch. "

He winked at me and I playful rolled my eyes

"Okayyy I'll run to the store real quick"

I smiled "Thank you! "

He smiled back and left.

I laid back in bed and I found myself slowly falling asleep until...


I shot my eyes open and ran downstairs.

Everything looks the same.... I looked around and screamed in horror at what I saw.

Elijah was on the floor...

Out cold...

With multiple gunshots in his back.

Tears were rapidly streaming down my face as I stooped down to his level and turned him over so his head was on my lap.

"E-Elijah wake up please!!!! "

Still no answer. I dialed 911 and they told me they were on their way.

Blood was gushing out of his back. I took off his shirt and pressed it against his back to prevent him from loosing too much blood.

"K-kendall...?  " Elijah mumbled

"Babe the ambulance are on their way. "

"I...I... " he tried talking but his eyes started closing again.

"N-no no no!  Elijah keep your eyes open dammit!!  Do you hear me?!  " I shouted crying my eyes out

The ambulance came in and drove him to the hospital.

"Miss can you please explain to me what happened? " The police officer asked

"We were both upstairs and he went downstairs so he can go to the store to get me something. I found myself about to fall asleep when I heard multiple gunshots. I ran downstairs and saw him there... "

"Do you know how many gunshots you heard? "

"About 3."

"What is your relationship with this boy? "

"He's my boyfriend. "

"Do you have any clue who would've done this?"


The police officer was writing everything down. "Okay.. -"

"Kendall. "

"Kendall. We'll take you to the hospital to see your boyfriend alright? "

I nodded and entered the police car.

Jas'mariee's POV

"Hey babe! " Jacob greeted walking in

"Where the fuck have you been? "

"Out... hey, have you been crying? "

Tears were streaming down my eyes "Elijah got shot three times in his back."


"I'm flying to Cali with Antonio tomorrow morning to see him. "

"Wait,what about me? "

"Why don't you go stay with Lexi? "

"Why would I-"

"Because obviously according to her,you want to get in her pants so congratulations your dream will come true!! " I spat throwing my wedding ring at him storming off.

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