Chapter 23

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Jas'mariee's POV

I put Antonio to sleep and when I went to the living room Jacob was watching tv on the couch.

"Hey " he said

"Hi.. " I replied

He patted the spot next to him and I sat down

"Can we talk? " he asked

"There's nothing to talk about. You cheated on me. I cheated on you. That's it. Obviously we don't love eachother! "

"See but that's the thing Jas, I know you probably hate my guts and I am still very angry with you for cheating on me, but I know deep down somewhere we still love eachother."

I stood up "No,we don't! "

He stood up too "Yes, we do! "

I got up in his face "Did you come here to see your son or try winning me back? Because I can assure you that's not gonna happen. "

"Jas'mariee look me dead ass in the eye and tell me you don't love me "

"I don't!! " I said running my fingers through my hair

"You're a terrible liar. "

"I'm not lying!! "

"Yes you are, how do I know? Because you do that finger through your hair thing "

"I-I do not!! " I said stuttering and running my finger through my hair

"And you stutter. "

"Jacob you haven't seen me in 4,fucking years, you don't know shit about me!!! You think just because we were together in high school that you still know everything? I'm a grown ass woman!!  You can't come up in MY house-"

I got cut off by Jacob kissing me,and for some damn reason, I kissed back.

He pulled away and the both of us just stared at eachother and started laughing

"What is wrong with us? " he asked while still laughing

"I don't know " I replied laughing as well

"Just like highschool huh? "

"Yeah... just like highschool " I admitted

"Well uh.. I'm gonna go to the hotel I'm staying at.. "

"You don't have to... I mean I don't.. I uh..guest room is upstairs "

Jacob chuckled "You sure? "

"Antonio really misses you so.. yeah. "

"Thanks... goodnight " he lightly smiled walking off

"Night... "

Rayan's POV

"Daddy can I pwease have some juice? " Drew asked

"Of course son " I smiled handing him a capri sun

"Thank you! " London said snatching it from him

"London, give that back to your brother. "

"No. " she said

"Daddy ish otay. " Drew said

I stooped down to their level "Drew, I understand you're trying to be nice, but your sister needs to work on her manners "

"Rayan?" Kiara asked

"In here!"

Kiara walked in "Okay London what did you do now?"

"Nothing mommy! " London said smiling innocently

"Mhhmm.. come on bed time. "

"NO! " London exclaimed

"London Mariee Smith I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. "

London pouted and stomped off

"Drew, what did your sister do? " Kiara asked

"She took my juice but ish okay! I'm not thirsty anymore "

Kiara smiled "Okay cutie, off to bed "

"Night night daddy! " he said hugging my leg because I'm too tall

I chuckled "Night son! "

Drew ran off into his room

"Soooo...? " I smirked wrapping my arms around Kiara's waist

"No. "

"No? "

"I know what you're thinking." She said

"You do not!"

"Really? " she smirked

"Yeah, really! "

"So.. you're not thinking about doing very, very sexual things to me right now? " she whispered seductively in my ear

"Girl if you keep talking like that I will rip your pants off "

She laughed "Goodnight"

I gave her a kiss "I love you "

"And I love you " she smiled

Kendall's POV

"Did you check his temperature?.....okay then why the hell are you worried?! Chad just because a baby sneezes doesn't mean anything... I know because I'm a pediatrician!! ...ugh I gotta go. " I finished hanging up

"Everything okay? " Elijah asked

"Yeah, but my dumbass of a brother thinks when his child sneezes he has AIDS or something. "

Chad got married (surprisingly) and had a son with his wife who I must say is beautiful. I got me one adorable looking Nephew named Xavier now.

Elijah laughed "AIDS ?"

I shrugged my shoulders

He chuckled And sat down next to me "So what would my lovely soon to be wifey like to do tonight? "

I smiled. I can't believe I'm actually engaged. This feels so unreal

"She would like to sleep. "

"Awww but that's boring!" Elijah pouted

I laughed "Well what do you want to do then? "

He smirked "Well.... "


He laughed "Damn okay.. "

"Welp I'm going to bed! " I said standing up

"Sleep with one eye open " Elijah warned

"Why...? "

"Because I might just try ripping off your panties and-"

"EWWWWW!!!! " I squealed running off

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