4 - catching up

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I was still shaking out of disbelief when Christian let me in their house and closed the door behind us. "Wow and you rented this house?" I looked around the open building and followed him into the living room.

"Yeah for a couple months until we finished our tour and the festival season" he explained and walked on into the kitchen.

"Cold beer?" He asked and opened the fridge. He pulled two cans out of the refrigerator without even waiting on my answer.

"Sure, you can never go wrong with a cold beer." I answered and he handed one can over to me. "Should we go outside?" He pointed at the gigantic glass door, leading to the backyard of the house.

"Yeah, I guess it's better if we go outside for a little I still feel like I am about to faint." It sounded like it should be a joke, but it actually wasn't.

The boys had nice furniture placed outside, right infront of the pool.
The moon was shining and it's bright silhouette was reflected by the calm water. The scenery looked so beautiful, almost magical tonight.

I sat down onto the white sofa and carefully opened the can, Christian did the same and layed his arm around my shoulder. "It's so good to have you back Crystal." He took a sip of his beer and looked up to the moon. "I just can't believe that I bumped into you. This still feels like a dream to me, too good to be true." I sighed and poured down half of my beer, before I put down the can on the desk infront of us.

"Tell me about your life Crystal. What is it like right now?" Christian was looking down on me. I missed this smile, it was unforgettable.

"Oh my life is pretty boring. I still don't know what I should do with my life. I've got my parents saying I should take over their company one day but I don't really think this is what I wanna do so right now I am pretty much doing nothing, just taking opportunities." I explained and felt shitty saying that while sitting next to a successful musician who knew exactly what he wanted to accomplish in life.

"Don't worry Crystal you still got all the time in the world to decide. Don't rush it." He said and put his beer aside. "What about your boyfriend, this Adam, you still with him?" He asked curiosly.

"Yes I am still with him. You know, we started dating because our parents thought it would be a good idea for us to be together because of the media representation. I wanted to get out of this relationship right after our first dinner, however I just kept it rolling and now it's been almost two years and I kind of like him... but also I don't think that he is the guy I want to be with, you know. I always have to be well dressed and polite when I am with him and... it sucks. It feels like he isn't really accepting who I really am, like I have to play a role when I am with him. Plus I don't really feel anything when he kisses me... and that said we don't kiss very often. Still I feel a connection."
Oh Adam. I could talk hours and hours about why I wanted to be with him and why not and I still wouldn't have talked enough about it.

"Sounds pretty shitty to me. You should never have to change yourself for someone else, you hear me? Never. Why don't you dump him?" Christian asked and pulled a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of his leather jacket.

"I don't know... It's just I don't want to disappoint my parents. They are so happy about us dating, more than about anything in the world. And also because I am afraid of him." I sighed.

Christian kindly offered me a cigarette. I couldn't say no. So I took one cigarette out of his pack and lit it up between my lips. I took a draw and felt my lungs fill with the smoke.

"What do you mean you are afraid of him?" Christian digged deeper.

"He gets aggressive very fast." I pulled up the sleeve of my t-shirt dress. My arm was full of blue marks and red spots.

"Is he beating you?" Christian asked horrified and carefully lays his hand on my arm. I nodded. "Sometimes."

"That is sick Crystal, you have to-"
The glass door opened and two guys were stumbling outside.

So now you got to know a little more about Crystals life and the relationship to her boyfriend. And well we all know who the two guys are that just stumbled outside, I meaaan.

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