30 - shower

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"What now Kras?" I mumbled when the three were out of side. "We're going to get under the shower." Kras answered and lifted his white Reebok shirt up.

"Christian what... are you... If Clinton finds out he will..." I still couldn't speak in complete sentences but it was enough to make him understand what I meant. "What, you think I get under the shower in full clothing Crystal?" He dropped his shirt and started to open his belt. "Wait, Christian." I hissed. "You're acting like a little girl." He laughed and continued by unbottoning his pants. "I am just not used to see you... like this." I said and shrugged my shoulders. "And it should stay this way if we want to avoid trouble with clinton." He pulled down his pants and was standing before me, just in a black boxer.

I mean I knew Kras was attractive but seeing him almost naked was a completely different thing and I didn't expect to be hit by his attractiveness so hard.

"Can you get up?" I didn't really hear Kras speaking, I just stared at his absolutely perfect proportioned body. "Can you get up?" He repeated his question.

"I'll try." I held on to the wall beside me and slowly got back on my feet. "There we go, come on." Christian grabbed me by my left arm and helped me to get into the shower before he got in right behind me.

"I'm dizzy." I clenched my nails into Christian's arm because I was afraid of slipping. "It's alright, I'll hold you." Christian wrapped his arms around me from behind and leaned his back against the wall. "Don't freak out. The water will be a little bit cold." Kras turned on the shower and the water was pouring on us from above. The drops felt indeed very cold on my skin and I let out a loud scream.

"Everything alright?" I heard Jordan's voice and a knock on the door. "Y-Yes" I screamed back and could hear her walk away again.

"Fuck Christian I-I'm so cold" I started to shiver in his arms. "Maybe I need to hold you a little closer." Christian wrapped his arms further around me and tightened his grip. "Better?" I could feel his warm breath hitting my skin which made me even more dizzy. "Mhh." I closed my eyes and paid attention to the intense feeling of the water hitting my skin, Kras' breath in my neck and his arms wrapped around me.

"Why didn't you want Clinton to help you?" Kras suddenly asked and started to go through my hair to make sure that all of the puke was being removed from water. "I don't know, I just feel so guilty. I hurt him so bad. I don't want him to see me that way. He deserved someone better than me. I am always causing him problems but he's still holding onto me... Kras I am bad for him." My emotional ass couldn't take it anymore and I started to sob again.

"Hey shh. Don't be so hard on yourself. We all make bad decisions. You are one of the most beautiful humans I know. Inside and outside. And you are not bad for Clinton." Christian tried to calm me down but all he did was making me Crazy with his rusty voice resounding in my ear, his breath hitting my neck and his hands subtlety moving on my body. I started to feel things I didn't want to feel regarding Kras. Eventually my skin started to heat up.

"How long do we have to this?" I asked nervously and looked down on his hands resting on my stomach. "Until you're clean. Literally." Christian answered and again I felt his breath hitting my neck, additionally to some strains of his hair. That he couldn't hold his hands still was another kind of Problem. I felt tingles running down my spine when his fingertips unintentionally slowly ran down my skin.

"Christian, stop." I mumbled and closed my eyes. "Stop what? Is everything okay?" I shouldn't have said something, his attractive voice made everything even worse.

"You're turning me on like this." This is why you shouldn't take drugs kids. This is exactly why. "I'm doing what?" He started to laugh. "Stop laughing it's not funny Kras. I mean it." I breathed out sharply. "I have to hold you or else you'll fall. If you get turned on by this I'm sorry." He answered. "Okay but isn't that enough now?" I digged deeper. "You know maybe I should get Clinton he can take care of your hornyness" He didn't dare. "Why don't you take care of it?" I turned around on the spot and looked him deep in the eyes. "Crystal get out of the shower." Christian turned off the water. Now was my turn for revenge on him. "I know you want it." I whispered in his ear and let my fingertips run down his body. "

"No I don't." Christian answered in a cold voice. "Why not? Come on."

This was definitely too much. I started to burst out in a laughter. "Crystal don't do heroin ever again." Christian laughed aswell and dragged me out of the shower. He opened the door where Mitchel was standing with a long shirt and some socks.

"You're my savior Mitchel. Is it normal for girls to get extremely horny on Heroin?" Christian sighed. "What exactly did I miss?" Mitchel asked in confusion.

"Well excuse me I am a woman and when guys press their fucking trained chest against me and wrap their arms around my body and breath into my neck and move their fucking hands on me how can I not be turned on." I was in a rage.

"Hold on what?" Clinton was suddenly appearing behind Mitchel. Oh no. "You're dead Kras." There was so much anger in Clinton's eyes. So much anger that it made me scared.

"No, no! He didn't do anything. I swear he just held me so I didn't fall. But I somehow got turned on by that. It wasn't his fault." I clarified before Clinton was able to get to Kras. "I am confused." Clinton said and Mitchel seemed to agree.

"How about you get into these clothes for now?" I nodded and started to pull on Mitchels shirt and his Nike socks. "It's better for her to sleep now for a while. But we need to make sure she is laying on the side in case she needs to puke again. One of us has to be with her and watch her.

"I'll watch her." Clinton said. This time I really felt too guilty to deny him anything. The shower with Kras proved me that it was probably the best to stick to Clinton if I didn't want to get deeply confused.

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