28 - dirty in my own veins

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A knocking on the door brought me back to conscious. "Sorry no. I can't open up!" I tried to yell even though I knew that the person at the door wouldn't hear me.

I was still high as fuck but my Brain slowly started to realize that there was a connection between Clinton's call and the person who knocked on the door. "Please leave me alone." I somewhat sat, somewhat layed on the couch sweating cold sweat.

Suddenly I percieved a short beeping sound. The sound the door produced when someone opened the door with a keycard. My high ass did exactly knew what that meant

"No, no, no Clinton leave!" I panicked and started to hide all the supplies I left laying on the table. But I was too far gone and too slow and all I did was making it worse when I let the belt and baggy slip onto the ground.

It was too late.
"What is that?" Clinton stood in the doorframe and pointed to one supply after another. "Is that what I think it is? Hey!" He came up to me and roughly pulled me up from my couch. "Hey! I am talking to you! Why did you do that?" He was screaming at me so loud that my ears were hearting from the deafning noise of his.

"Clinton please go, leave, go!" I closed my eyes and waved my hands to signalise that I didn't want to see him right now. "Are you fucking kidding me? Hey!" He grabbed me by my shoulders and shook me back and forth. "Crystal answer me, why?!" As much as I wanted to zone out right now, I couldn't. I couldn't handle anything at all.

"Adam. He threatened me again. He- I- He was in this house. I- I- You are better off without me. Why don't you hate me Clinton?! Why don't you hate me like anyone else. Please!" Tears were running down my cheeks. "I can't do this I can't. I am too weak Clinton, I can't. I don't want to live anymore." I broke down crying in his arms.

"Shh. Don't you dare saying that Crystal." He tried to calm me down, it didn't work.

"But it's true Clinton. Please leave. Hate me, please. You're the last person I am holding onto, the last one. Without you I could end this forever, once and for all." I was a wreck.

"I will promise you I will never leave your side, I will never hate you. You will always have me in your life and so you always will have a reason not to do it. We are all going through shit Crystal. But taking heroin to cope with it is not the way you hear me. Please talk to me." I could see how much he was affected by what I said in his eyes.

"Adam threatened me that he would make your life miserable too. Clinton, being with me is not good for you. People will hate you after he's done with you. Leave me!" I continued to cry in his arms but I was getting weaker and weaker and had to hold onto him so tight like I was afraid to die when I would let go of him.

"I am the only one to decide wether being with you is good for me or not. Screw Adam. He can do to me whatever he want I will never leave your side like this you hear me, never." He pulled me in even closer also I didn't think it was possible to be pulled even closer.

"How are you feeling? Do you think you would survive a ten minute drive?" Clinton asked and I nodded. "Alright, come here." He wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder from beneath and the other one around my legs before he lifted me off the ground.

I remember I could see his beautiful face before my eyes rolled at the back of my head again. Everything was turning to black.

"Try to stay awake. Stay with me Crystal just for ten minutes okay." He said and shook me again.

"I love you Clinton." I mumbled when he layed me down in the back of his car. "I love you." I repeated and a tear was running down my cheek.

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