6 - Rage

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I ran out on the street. Luckily I saw an Uber pull up right the second I left the boy's house.

I was so freaked out that I kept banging against the window of the car even if the driver already noticed me and stopped his vehicle.

"Good evening young lady." I took place on the passenger seat and hectically shut the door. "Garmentstreet please." I was so out breath just from running a few meters probably also because I had consumed alcohol and weed this evening. "Do you need some water?" The driver asked kindly and grabbed a closed bottle of water from the backseat. "That would be nice. Thank you very much sir" I opened the bottle and took a few sips, hoping it would help me to come down a little bit before we would arrive at Adam's house.

When I looked into the mirror above me, I noticed that my eyes were slightly red and veiny. If Adam would notice my state he would totally go ballistic on me.

I was afraid. Not only did my eyes and my scent gave away what I had done tonight, but also I was still wearing my Bandshirt, tights and combat boots. I knew he wouldn't be pleased about this.

"Here were are Garmentstreet." The driver stopped the vehicle. "$16 please." He said and waited for me to make a move but I just sat there, staring into the dark night. "Miss?" He waved his hand infront of my eyes.

"Yes, excuse me." I digged in my pocket and found a $20 bill that I handed over to him. "Thank you, have a good night Miss." I got out of the car and the Uber left my side.

I considered to turn around and just walk back to the boys or to Bella but I knew that sooner or later I had to meet Adam.
There was no way that he wouldn't find me out there, his eyes and ears were everywhere.

When I entered his property the door already opened before I could ring the bell. Adam was standing in the doorframe dressed in a black suit like he was most of the times. The look on his face made me panic, made me shiver.

"H-Hey Adam." My voice started to tramble. "Where the hell have you been?!" He roughly grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me inside. "You look awful did you really go out like that?!" He added in an aggressive tone. I hated it when he screamed at me. It made feel guilty and it made feel worthless.

"You k-know I was at Bella's house." I mumbled and crossed my arms infront of my chest defensively. "I can tell you smell like you climbed out of a trashcan." He said and started to inspect me.

"Crystal why didn't you answer me?! I told you to always keep your phone close to you, you hear me?! Two years and you haven't learned a god damn thing!" He clenched his jaw. I could almost feel the blood pumping through the veins in his neck. His face started to turn red.

"I-I did, I must have lost it and-" The next second his palm hit my face with a banging noise. It echoed through the whole room. Everything was completely quiet. I could feel an accute pain rise on my cheek, it burned.

"Don't you dare lying to me again you whore! I know you've been with this Christian guy and his friends, why?!" He was acting so out of his mind and so aggressive and I was so scared of getting hit again that I just told him the truth.

"I met Christian at Bella's party. We haven't seen each other in person for five years. That's why I went back with his house." My eyes started to fill with tears. Out of pain, disappoinment, frustration, anger, fear.

"Why didn't you tell me?! You could have told me! And if this wasn't enough you walk around dressed like a crackwhore wasted in the middle of the night, have you lost your mind?! " Now I took a few steps back but I couldn't escape, the door was right behind me. "I'm sorry Adam. I am sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, please, I am so sorry." My whole body started to shake, I felt how I got icecold.

"Hey, hey." Adam came up to me and wrapped his arms around me. "No I am sorry Crystal. I promised you that I would never hit you again. This was the last time, I swear. I love you baby." I gave me a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Come on, we'll get you into your PJ's. You can stay here as long as you want baby. You know that all that belongs to me is yours too." He led me upstairs into is bedroom and made sure that I was wearing more comfortable, but still chique looking clothes before he allowed me to lay down on his bed next to him.

"Goodnight my darling." He kissed me gently and turned off the lights. I didn't say a word to him. I still shivered like crazy and couldn't waste a second on going to sleep. I couldn't sleep next to Adam it was just not possible.

After all I did get sleep for a few hours but when I woke up Adam was gone.

I panicked immediately and checked my phone.

Adam Powell:
Good evening babe. You slept almost the entire day after you came home at 5am last night. I didn't want to wake you up but I am at a meeting.

What it was this late? Did I really sleep so long?

I slowly got up and checked my bag. Everything was still there except my keycards.

Oh no.

Adam did this before. He took my keycards so I could not go home. He knew exactly that mom and dad were out of town.

I checked my phone again.

Hey Crystal you forgot your keycards here last night. You can pick em up whenever you want.

Thank God.

Thank God you have them. I'm gonna come by in a few minutes.

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