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your dad could only turned and look at you, his eyes giving you a glare

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your dad could only turned and look at you, his eyes giving you a glare. slowly his face morphed into one of annoyance but gave you a small smile, heeding your words. he started to let go or the timid izuku, rubbing his temples with a sigh.

"ive returned your impracticable and harmful quirk. go take your final throw and hurry up to get it over with, i don't have any more patience." you stayed quiet watching the scene, slight shocked to hear your dad say something like that, but even you could tell he was trying to be fair yet strict. you know how can be hard on his students, but his actions and words always had a motive.

"i wonder if our teacher gave him some form of advice." iida said breaking the silence. "probably told him to start packing his shit or something." Katsuki said chuckling. you elbowed him in his stomach, making the boy get ready to yell at you over the hit, but decided to keep quiet seeing your serious expression. "katsu love, please don't add onto the situation right now." you quietly said as he grunted in return.

katsuki knows you. you both grew up since the both of you were the age of four. he was used to you acting hyper or childish at times. he hated showing pity for anyone, none of that mattered if someone was puny and pathetic to him. but the vermilion eyed male couldn't deny to himself that he had a soft spot for you. hell, he doesn't even mind you even being near him. seeing you quiet only broke his heart more, so he couldn't help but listen to you and stay quiet for you.

he could only look forward at the situation in front of him, but his body instinctively acted out. the palm of his hand landed on your head, slightly ruffling your hair as a way to comfort you. he loved feeling you, it healed him, and those moments were secretly sweet to him. you turned to look at him from the contact, only to see him looking ahead. but your heart and body knew he was comforting you, making a small smile grace your lips at him.

you finally looked away from him, now looking forward to finally see izuku move his hand backward with the ball in his hands. in an instant, his arm flew  forward, the ball following the motion. your eyes widened seeing how far the ball flew. going to junior high with him made you aware of him never having a quirk, or at least you though.

your classmates let out gasps seeing how far the ball flew. aizawa lifted his hand, the device in his grip showing a number of 705.3 meters. "see mr. aizawa, look at me, im still standing." izuku said proud as your dad could only grin in response. everyone began to cheer for the boy who they knew was struggling for a while, especially you. "wooo lets go izuku!!"

you turned to see katsuki tense up, his body only shaking with anger as his mouth hung open. "HEY!" the boy could only scream as he started to move forward in anger. he was livid, pissed as hell. he grew up seeing deku as a weak pathetic piece of shit. he was trash, garbage. hell he could disappear and it wouldn't change anything. he could only rage like a wild animal and launch himself forward.

adrenaline kicked into the both of you, you quickly began to examine the situation. "DEKU YOU FUCKING BASTARD TELL ME HOW YOU DID THAT OR YOUR DEAD! ILL KILL YOU!" his physical tantrum was quickly stopped as your dad's bandages quickly wrapped around him, gripping onto him like a snake wraps around its prey. "what the hell?! let go of me! why the hell is your damn scarf so strong?" he yelled fighting the scarf.

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