Part Nine

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(I'm just trying to remember the anime from my head now)

As All Might showed his figure to everyone at the USJ, the blue haired villain looked pleased. Turning to the the gigantic figure with their brain popping out, he said something as the bird creature launched himself at All Might. As a wide grin replaced the blue man he looked at you and waved a hand.

You felt yourself quickly get enveloped by purple and black colors as you were far from the fight with the man staring you down. "So.... you left me to only go here in this STUPID school for heroes!" His voice was laced with venom at the mention of heroes. "W-who are you?"

"Ah, you don't remember me (y/n), such a shame. Even after we created that little promise too." His eyes piercing your figure. "You know, I could tell you... but I can also show you too." You stared at him confused as he walked forward to you. Trying to move away you felt yourself planted in place. Closing your eyes scared of what might happen, you felt him grab your cheek with his pinkie up.

He looked lost in thought as he started to talk, "Shi-Shi, when we grow up lets not forget each other! We can live with master and get married too! Do you remember that?" He asked. "N-no! I don't rememb-"

You fainted.

Waking up slowly, you feel a cold breeze hit you as you strops up. Watching your surroundings you saw a little girl and a boy sitting down on a rooftop. Their hands intertwined as the little girls mouth is moving. "-master and get married too!" She said while throwing her hands in the air.

Looking at the boy he start to talk in a soft tone. "You won't leave me? What if you grow up and you don't want to be with me a-anymore?" He said as he started to shake slowly. "Shi-Shi, I won't leave you! We'll be partners in crime! I promise!" She said as she hugged him. He returned the hug hesitantly but grew into it as he replied back. "Ok, i believe you-"

His voice became quiet as you started to wake up from your dream. "No, wait! WHO ARE TH-" Throwing yourself up you found yourself surrounded by some of your classmates. "Where am I?!" You screamed. "(Y/n)-san, you fainted earlier and we pulled you away from the blue haired man. Please stay quiet though and rest. Our classmates and All Might are out there." Iida said to you. You remembered. You remember why you left that place. Master finally needed someone to show him that he doesn't have all the power in this game. You're a player as well. "He's still out there... He's going to hurt them!" You screamed.

You pulled yourself up and noticed a patch of burnt skin on you shoulder. 'Damn Shigaraki. I remember you well. And I'm not going back to you!' You jumped always from Iida and ran to where the boys and All Might were. They were all fighting the Nomu but no one was fighting Shigaraki. Once you got near, you ran past the Nomu and boys and ran to Shigaraki.

"Hey Shigaraki, you said we were going to get married right?! We might be right now too! Well if that's the case! I WANT A DIVORCE!" You launched yourself at him and punched him, knocking off his mask making him tumble back. Kurogiri saw this and went after you. Your wings came from your back as you flapped them, making him fly back. "F-father..." "Shigaraki, if I loved you back then. Than show me why I loved you in the first place! I'm not going to just give myself to you!" So fight me like the man you are!"

With those words, he got up. You heard some of the boys trying to reach you. Picking up your hand you motioned for them to stop. And they did. Turning back to Shigaraki, you saw his body standing weakly. "Wow. I even gave you a nickname. I was really dumb back then wasn't I? Tell me, did Master ever stop making you his pawn!?" You screamed at him. "(N/n), you really are starting to make me angry now. You're going to regret this." With that said he ran pass his mask to you. As he was almost near, you grabbed him by his wrist and flipped him over your shoulder. His body slamming against the floor. Restraining him with his hands on his back you got in front of him.

"'Shi-Shi' if I ever did love you back then. Prove yourself that you're worth it." You said as he looked at you angrily. That was until his face morphed into a smile. "(N/n), please let go of me. I love you, Master knows that too. And I know you know it too. So let me go." His raspy voice had somehow became soft and gentle 'Two can play this game.' You let go of his hands. His hands went to your face as they pulled you closer, his pinkies not touching you. You leaned in as he connected his lips to yours. Letting him 'enjoy' himself for a bit until he let you go. "You really are a fool." You said as you activated your quirk. 'Sleep Inducement.' You pulled him into a kiss as his body fell asleep. Stepping back, you hovered over his body. "I'm not as weak as I was back then." With that you moved away. Two bullets went past you as they shot the floor. "STAND DOWN! She's a student!" You turned to see Snipe put his gun down as you gave him a nod.

Before you can even register what happened, your body fell limp. Kurogiri saw this and raced to warp you and Shigaraki back to the LOV base. Before Kurogiri was able to reach your body, Todoroki had shot ice at him as Kirishima had ran and picked you up.


"-She'll be fine. They will be waking up in a bit." Voices had surrounded your hearing as light slowly began to enter your sight of vision. Slowly picking yourself up, you felt a headache grow stronger. Moving your hand to rub your temples, you heard a scream. "SHES ALIVE!" Before you can register whats happening, you were pulled into a pair of arms and green hair entered your sight. "Izuku... you're squeezing me..." "IM SO SORRY!" He quickly let you go while you fixed yourself into a comfortable position. Rubbing your eyes you turned to see a lot of familiar faces. "Where am I? What happened?" You quietly murmured. "(Y/n)-chan! You were so brave!!" Uraraka gushed. "Really manly too!" Kirishima said. "Oh uh thanks? What did I do again?" You said embarrassed. 'She doesn't remember.....' Everyone thought in unison as they sweat dropped. Iida walked closer and started to talk. "(l/n), while we pulled you too safety. You started to scream as you ran off into the fight. You went against the man in blue hair. I am not aware of the conversation you both had but I did see you fighting with him. And—" Suddenly Mineta has cut him off. "AND YOU BOTH WERE KISSING! MORE THAN ONCE! CAN I HAVE SOME OF THAT ACTION—" Andddddd someone just hit him making him knock out. "I kissed him..." You said quietly remembering.

You started to remember everything. "The adrenaline had most likely kicked in after I had woken up. I suppose I had kissed him to make him believe that I was playing his game. Oh and I kissed him again since I had activated my quirk. With all the fighting it must have made me...." "YOU'RE MUMBLING!" Someone screamed. "So (y/n), why did you kiss him?"

"That man. Hmm how do I phrase it. Ah I know! His name is Shigaraki. Him and I were apparently friends when we were younger and we had supposedly made a promise to get married with one another. Most likely for the purpose of a quirk marriage but as children we believed it was love, I assume. I guess for the first kiss it was to lure him into believing that I had decided to side with them but I had fooled him and kissed him again only to activate my quirk so he would fall asleep. I must have fainted somewhere after that." You said as they all looked at you dumbfounded.

"So you just waisted your first kiss with a villain?!" Someone *cough* Mineta *cough* said. "What a dumb question Mineta! But... WAS IT??" Denki screamed. 'Why do they want to know this, eh.' "No, it isn't my first kiss." You said. "WHO WAS IT??" Uraraka asked fangirling. "Well uhm, sorry dude, but it was uhhhh uh this weirdo from another school..." You murmured.


I'm sorry for the late posts but it's not like anyone reads these books anywhere haha sad

I'm sorry for the late posts but it's not like anyone reads these books anywhere haha sad

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