Late Special!! Pool Partyyyy!!!

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(This is just an excuse to write something) idk

It was the beginning of August. The 2nd to be precise. The class decided to have a pool party to relax from all the stress of villains. A pool party.

"(Y/NNNNNN!!)" You were suddenly tackled by your pink friend. "Haha Mina! I see you finally got here." She hopped up at your words . Noticing her bikini, Aqua with purple prints on it. Kinda like her hero costume.

"Yup! Sorry I was helping rush Kirishima since Bakugo wasn't moving off the couch, but we failed so I just left." You nodded. "So that means he's still on the couch?"  "Yup!"  "Okay Im gonna help them."

You walked inside the house and saw Katsu hogging the couch like the lazy ass he is. You saw Kirishima pulling his arm as Katsuki just grumbled in response. You giggled and walked towards them. You waved your hand, signaling Kirishima to move away. He nodded.

"Hey Katsukiiii~"
With that said you jumped on him. He grunted in pain and started to curse you. You started to jump up again. "Get the fuck off of me!" "Nah. I'm comfortable. Unless you were to move." You started to poke his cheeks and made him do an angry face then smiling.

"Fuck you!!" You noticed him moving so you jumped off and ran towards Kirishimia. You jumped on his back as he raced away. Kirishima ran around the pool as you sprouted your wings. Placing your hands around him you flew with him.

Katsuki shot himself into the air as you quickly placed Kirishima down and flew away with the explosive hedgehog behind you. You turned towards him as he stopped confused. You went behind him and held him in the air as he stopped using him quirk.

"Hey Katsuki I'm sorry-" you threw him inside the pool "-FOR THIS!" You flew away quickly as he cursed you (little witch) while you laughed. You landed on the ground next to Izuku, Iida, Uraraka, and Todoroki.

"Heyoooo guyss! Glad you can make it." You said hugging them all each. "Ochaco you look so cute!! Izuku look at you my broccoli boy." You said giving him a noogie. "Hey Iida loosen up, go have fun! Todoroki glad you made it." You said giving him a slap on the back.

"Ouch." "Sorry." You said rubbing him where you hit him. "Well come on!" You said pulling them over to the pool. Some of them sat near, walked in the pool, or stocked their toes in. You took of your cover and hopped into the pool. "Canon BALLL-!" At the last second you fell in the water. Swimming to the top you began a coughing spree.

"Tell my storieeeee!" You screeched while coughing out your lungs. Sero noticed you and began to join you. "You shall live!!!" With that he jumps into the water, swimming up only to pretend to drown. "Nooo!" You grabbed him and pretended to cry while hugging him and placing your head on his chest.

"It should've been meeee!" Right when you finished you heard clapping in the background. You separated from Sero as you both bowed down at the applause only to see Mineta.  'Ah gross.' You thought running behind a shark float. You hissed at him.

"Wow, you got a pretty good boobs. Wish I was near them." He got himself ready only to have someone Yeet him across the room. Tokoyami. "MY SAVIOR!!!" You said jumping out of the water and attaching yourself to his back.

"H-heavy." "Excuse me sir, I'm a fucking trash can not a elephant. Sheesh men these days." You jokingly said while hopping off him and petting Dark Shadow. He cooed as you continued to bet him until a loud noise entered your ears. "Hey bitchesss!" You quickly turned around only to see a burnt chicken nugget.  "DABI! You better getcho ass out of here!" You screamed.

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