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class eventually neared the end, school finally finishing for the day and you couldn't help but sigh happily. in all the commotion of your battle and your weak physique from the use of your quirk, you finally realized that your hot headed from was nowhere to be seen.

'where the heck is he? we were supposed to walk home together today.' as you got lost in thought, your phone suddenly vibrated in your pants. you opened the notification that popped up, sighing in relief at it.

hey dumbass. i had to go do something, won't be able to walk with you today

nah it's okay, i was wondering where you went, thought i was betrayed for a second T^T

shut up numb nuts, well I gotta leave now, sorry hobo

oh great heavens! is the katsuki bakugo saying sorry?!? you might just be going soft~


you smiled at the messages, seeing him more calmer, and put your phone down. not really having much to do you decided to go home a little later. you walked out of the building, seeing a empty area on the grass. a giant tree stood tall, offering shade for those who needed it in this hot weather.

you jumped up and grabbed a branch, pulling your body up to climb the tree, now swinging your feet over to sit down. you laid back, grabbing your bag and putting it down so you could rest your head comfortably. not without setting an alarm to wake up an hour later. before you knew it, the events of the day got to you, knocking you out.

you woke up with a soft yawn, your bones popping slightly while stretching

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you woke up with a soft yawn, your bones popping slightly while stretching. you moved to the side ready to move, not remembering you were on a tree from the sleepiness.

your body slipped from the tree branch as you fell off and hit the ground harshly with a yelp. "oh fuck that hurt." you said rubbing your wounds. "uhm can you like get off of me?" a voice cut through the quiet, startling you. you quickly got off to see you had landed on a purple haired male with eyes adorned by eye bags. his features were charming to say, you couldn't help but stare at his beauty with flushed cheeks.

you had to snap your thoughts out of the trance. "i'm so sorry, i didn't see you there." "its alright, just didn't expect raining bodies...." he paused slightly hinting. "oh! it's (y/n) aizawa. im so sorry again, i didn't expect to fall on anyone either." you said rubbing the back of your neck in embarrassment. "i'm shinso hitoshi, and it's alright just was caught off by this all."

"well it's nice to meet you shinso." you said happily, readjusting your legs to be more comfortable on the grass. "so what class are you in aizawa? i'm currently in general studies." "ooh im in class 1-A!" you said excitedly. before you knew it, a frown replaced the small smile he had on his face.

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