Part Six

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Katsuki and you continued to walk until he suddenly spoke up. "Who was that? How do you even know him?" 'Ah I knew he was going to ask.' You thought. "Okay Kat, well one time Mrs. Joke wanted to ask my dad on a date so she used the excuse of needing help to keep an eye on her students because she needed to go away. It was a lie. So my dad tried leaving but I begged him to let me stay for a while so he did because he got well annoyed. I met the students and we became really good friends." You said with a hum.

"Why the fuck did you want to stay there?" " I wanted to make new friends.." you mumbled. You knew where this was going to go. "You tried fucking REPLACING ME!" He screeched. "Katsuki, my main man, my bro, my side sauce, my main slice, I would never replace you. Wait a minute! Is the baby jelly~" You teases him as he started to sputter badwords at you. "It's alright Katsuki." You said pinching his cheeks for an extra tease. "NO!" He said while pushing your hands away from his face and continued to walk. You giggled at his reaction.

You both neared the school to see a crowd of news reporters surrounding and blocking the school entrance. 'Ah shit here we go again.' You thought. As you neared a lady ran to you with a cameraman following suit. "Miss how is it having All Might as a UA teacher?" You looked at her ready to retort a comment at her but you were suddenly pulled back. "Miss is All Might a good teacher?!" You stayed silent.

"Wouldn't you like to know weather boy." You said annoyed. The guy looked at you, "Where are your parents?" He said, you grimaced at his words. Suddenly you felt something grab you by your waist yanking you back into someone's chest... You stayed there until you realized you were in practically on someone. You instantly pushed yourself off and apologized to them. "Shit my bad, that was an accident." You looked up to see a smirking blonde male.

"HAHHAH IT LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE FROM CLASS 1-A NEED THE HELP OF A CLASS 1-B STUDENT TO NOT FALL!" You reeled back because of the males loud voice. You quickly bowed towards him and decided to walk away from him as you saw Tsu. "Oh hey there Tsu!" You said energetic.

"Kero, there you were I lost you when I pulled you from the crowd. Kero." She said sweetly. "Oh that was you thanks!" You said while giving her a quick hug. That was when you realized. You. Lost. Katsuki. Maybe he got there before you. Yeah. Maybe. As you continued to walk you heard somebody scream. "Wait up! I'm not done with you!" So you stopped in your place and turned around. Only to get tackled. 'Why are people tackling me all the time.' You whined to yourself.

You looked up to see you were in a suggestive position with the blonde male. "I see you came back for more." You said jokingly while winking at him. "No-o!" He stammered as he pushed himself off you. "I'm kidding. I was only teasing. What your name." "Monoma Neito, NOT LIKE IT MATTERS ANYWAY!" "Haha well nice to meet you Monoma, names (y/n) (l/n) , hope we can be friends. Well I gotta go, bye Monoma! Here my number." You said scribbling your number on a paper, giving it to him.

'Friend...' he thought as you walked away. You merged up with Tsu as you continued to walk to the class. "Kero, (y/n)-Chan What was that about?" "Ah don't worry about it." You said while grabbing her hand. She looked up at you in confusion. You smirked and pulled her closer, twirling her in the process while dipping her.

She blushed at your actions as you just winked in response. You grabbed her by her chin and gave her a quick peck to her nose. You set her back up. After letter go of her you walked away while moving your hips in the process. You opened the door of the classroom walking towards your seat as Tsu entered the room, dazed. You stifled a giggle at her cute actions as you hummed to keep yourself entertained.

Finally your caterpillar of a father walked in as everyone rushed to their seats. "Now let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today, I'll have you... " Suddenly everyone looked scared for what he might say ",decide on a class representative." He said with his usual monotone voice. 'Ah school work, for once.' You thought.

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