Chapter Two

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When he turned away to speak with the stable manager, you turned your eyes to the stranger's beautiful mare. She walked to you, seeing the apple you still clutched in your hand. She quickly snatched it from your hand in her mouth, you laughed and stroked her mane, "What's your name, beautiful girl?" you asked, not expecting to get an answer besides a few quiet knickers from the mare.

"Her name is Epona." said a voice behind you. You turned around to meet with two cerulean blue eyes. You had to admit, the stranger is pretty attractive. His eyes glowed in the moonlight too, making them all the more beautiful. 

"W-What a lovely name!" You said awkwardly. He only looked at you, "Are you having her boarded tonight, sir?"

"I am, yes." He said

"I could take her in for you." 

"That would be nice, thank you..." he trailed off, looking at you.

"... Huh? Oh! My name is Y/N," You gulped, feeling out of place. You never talked to people who came to the stable, and you didn't know why you were talking to him. But still, you didn't make an effort to move.

"Y/N... it's very pretty... " You shivered slightly when your name rolled off his tongue. What has gotten into you, Y/N?! Why are you acting so weird?!  You mentally scolded yourself for acting this way, but STILL, you didn't make the effort to walk away.

"Well... what's your name, stranger?" You asked him. He looked at you once again.

"...Link." It took him a moment to say his name, almost as if he was ... unsure. 'His name... it sounds so familiar...' You thought.

You brushed it off and walked to him, "Are you staying the night, too? We usually make dinner for our guests. Well, the one girl does... " You pondered, what was her name?!

You were snapped from your thoughts as you heard Link laughing. What was so funny? Was it something I said? Is my hair messed up?! Wait... why am I thinking about this?!  You scolded yourself again for acting so nervous. You turned to him, a confused look on your face.

"I'm sorry, it's just the way you looked after saying 'one girl'. It was cute," He smiled wide. Your stomach felt like it was falling from the highest mountain in Hyrule. But you decided to turn the tables...

"Oh, my face is funny now?" You frowned at him, he blinked and sputtered quickly, "N-No, that's not what i meant--" He stopped upon seeing your mischievous smile. He smiled back and rolled his eyes. 

"To answer your question, yes I am staying the night here," He said, "I have... something to do." His gaze fixated on the orange building in the middle of a pond located across the stable. Your eyes followed his, "The shrine?" You asked. 

"Yes, I'm on a-a quest," Link said, stuttering a bit.

"What kind of quest?" You asked

"Weeell... it's kind of complicated... to understand..." He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck. You raised your eyebrow, now curious about his tale, "I catch on fast," You said. Link turned his attention to you, an almost baffled look on his face.

You gave him a small smile, "I love stories." Link returned the smile and sat down next to the pot, you grabbed some ingredients and threw them in, listening to every syllable that left his (BEAUTIFUL) lips.

"Promise you won't think I'm crazy?" He said, you snorted, "It depends on if you make it sound crazy," You gave him a warm smile, to which he returned.

"Well... a few days ago, I woke up to a bright light. When I saw the light, I heard a voice telling me to open my eyes and to wake up. When I did, I was laying on a stone platform, and blue water drained from where I was 'sleeping'. When I sat up, the room was light with a dim blue light... In the corner was a slate," He holds up the Sheikah Slate, "The voice said to take it, that it will guide me after my long slumber..."

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