Chapter Five

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Link focused more on his Sheikah Slate than he did with what was around him. He ran into people, carts, you. You sent him a few glares, which went unnoticed. 

Your mind soon drifted to the road ahead. What could you expect? Certainly monsters, but the Divine Beasts? They aren't just big stone structures, what are they? What lurked inside of them? All of that ancient technology Purah and Symon talked about had to make you at least curious. And you were. 

Your thoughts were interrupted when the sound of a distressed horse filled the air. You turned your attention to a beautiful black stallion at the front of the village. He looked scared, and kind of angry with the ropes around his mouth. You frowned, these people were going to do something to him something bad. You grabbed Link's arm and dragged him along to the front, ignoring his cries of protest. You gasped as the horse reared and ran to get away from the men, pulling the ropes up and dragging the men along the dirt road. 

A little girl stood staring at the black beauty charging right at her. She was frozen in fear. You thought fast and ran in front of the horse with your arms out. He skidded to a halt in front of you and snorted angrily. You took your knife and cut the ropes off. Your attention turned to the men holding the ropes, and they didn't look happy, but neither were you.

"Get out the way, girl!"

"What's wrong with yah?! This thing is a monster!"

"You have no place to be layin' yer hands on that horse!"

Your face grew hot in anger, Link only smirked and stood back, watching your every move. 

The ropes they used around the horse's snout were rough, and dug into his skin. Link picked them up and examined them. These ropes were used for hauling dead animals back to camps. The men were either in the middle of a hunt, or they purposefully tied the ropes around his snout.

Your face grew hot with every insult and hateful word thrown at you, but you ignored it. The men were starting to advance towards you, and Link had a hand on the hilt of his sword. The horse was getting restless and was about to kick, when you put a hand on his snout. The horse bowed his head down to meet you and snorted calmly. You turned to look at the men, and smirked evilly. They looked at you as if you were crazy and backed away. 

You turned back to the horse and stroked his mane. He was truly beautiful, but he had to go back to the wild. You looked at Link, who still had a hand on his sword, "It's okay, I just want to get him back to the wild in the morning," you said. He nodded and let the hilt go. You rubbed the horse's snout and clicked your tongue, he followed you, without any ropes or reins. You led him to a open stall next to Epona's and closed the gate, "We'll get you back home tomorrow, okay? I promise." You pet his snout one more time and turned in for the night with Link.


Link groaned as you tried to shake him awake, he swatted your hand away and pulled the covers over his head.

"Go away, I'm sleeping..." he groaned. You crossed your arms, "Haven't you slept enough, ponytail? You're kinda on a mission."

He shot up like a light, "Hey! Don't criticize me like that, I'm the one who's gonna kick Ganon's sorry ass! The bitch can wait a few more minutes!" He laid back down under the covers and refused to get up for the next ten minutes. You gave up and sat on your bed with your arms crossed. Man, this boy was stubborn as hell. 

You waited for another hour or so for him to wake up. He didn't. Your next plan of action was to go out to the horse trough and dump the water on him. So you did just that.

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