Top 10

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Hey guys, its me again, back with anothew video. Today wewe gonna tawk about top 5 scwumptious booties of the centuwy. Wast time we tawked about top 1200 times I wanted to kiww mysewf, you won't bewieve numbew 1! Go check out that video if you havent awweady anyway a wot of you guys asked me to make this video so this one is fow the fans out thewe who suppowt me! Anyway guys subscwibe and wape that wike button pws no diswikes this time ow i'ww make top 1201 times i wanted to kiww mysewf.

NUMBEW 5: Bugs Bunny

You guys know I wike them Chungus Cheeks haha

NUMBEW 4: John Wick

John Wicc Swicc, John Wicc Thicc

NUMBEW 3: Shwek

Shwek : Fow youw infowmation, thewe's a wot mowe to ogwes than peopwe think.

Donkey : Exampwe?

Shwek : Exampwe... uh... ogwes awe wike onions!

[howds up his ass, which Donkey sniffs]

Donkey : They stink?

Shwek : Yes... No!

Donkey : Oh, they make you hawd?

Shwek : Yes!

Donkey : Oh, you weave 'em out in the sun, they get aww bwown, stawt spwoutin' wittwe bwack haiws...

Shwek : [peews an onion] NO! Wayews. Onions have wayews. Just wike my fucking fat ass nigga, I got wayews of chub on my cheeks boi

NUMBEW 2: Thanos

I don't know about you guys, but the way those puwpwe bundwes of joy shook up and down when Thanos was fawming made me gwow an extwa waging, hawd puwpwe baby cock. This is my second favouwite scene because I can't use the fawming one ow I'ww get demonitized:

Thanos: [Wooking out the wawge window we saw at the end of Thow: Wagnawok] I know what it's wike to see my ass. To feew so despewatewy that you'we wight... yet to faiw, nonethewess. [wifts Thow by the neck of his bweastpwate. Thow stwuggwes feebwy.] It's fwightening. Tuwns the wegs to jewwy. I ask you, to what end? Dwead it. Wun fwom it. Destiny awwives aww the same. And now, it's hewe. Ow shouwd I say... I AM.

Numbew 1: Hitler

Bruh I gotta say how phat Hitwew's ass is. Bruh I don't even give a shit about the video anymowe boi. The second I think of that man I nut to the thought of how he he took advantage of the Waww Stweet Cwash to bwame the Gewman govewnment fow aww of Gewmany's pwobwems in owdew to seize powew. My Penis, othewwise wowm-wike in size, twansfowms in to a magnum dong compawabwe to Thanos himsewf. Damn nigga, I'd stuff my dick in those pieces of giwth any day. Hitwew twuwy has the Phattest Ass™

Anyway guys thanks fow watching wike and subscwibe and I'ww see you next time!!

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