i woke up the next morning very scared not recognizing anything in my view. then i feel a arm rapped around my waist and i feel very scared. i turn around to see a very cute sleeping daniel. i slowly released the breath i didn't even know i was holding in. daniel has a tight hold on my waist but i need to go to the bathroom, like bad. "hey dani." i say as i poke daniel in the face. "dani." i say and tap his face. "DANI!" i yell and slap him. "WHAT?" he says in a deep morning voice. "can you let me go i need to go to the restroom." i say laughing because all of what i just did was unnecessary. "anything for you beautiful." daniel says as he unwraps his arms from my waist. i feel heat rise to my cheeks and immediately put my head down. "thanks dani." i say as i run up the stairs to the bathroom, but not before i grab one of daniels hoodies and a pair of shorts.
i come back down stairs about a hour later. after doing my business, brushing my teeth, washing my face, taking a shower, and applying a small amount of makeup. "hey zell." daniel says as i walk down the stairs. i see he's the only one there and i get curious. "where are the other boys?" i ask sitting down next to him. "they went grocery shopping, so they shouldn't be back all day; zach and jack get side tracked very easy." daniel says laughing a little. "then what are we gonna do all day, all alone?" i ask knowing we will most likely be bored. "well...." daniel trailed off a bit leaving me a bit confused. "we can either watch stranger things or friends?" he said finally finishing what he said. "is that even a question?" i ask in a joking manner. "stranger things you doofus." i say as he looks at me with a small smirk on his face. he turns his laptop towards me and his smirk gets even wider. as it turns i see stranger things already pulled up. "i know you so well." he says as he places the laptop down between us. i get a little closer and pull the blanket that was sat on daniels lap and place it over me as well. it's pretty cold in here and this blanket isn't seeming to do much. i start shivering when daniel pulls the blanket from me. "dani" i whine dragging out the i. "come here." he says gesturing to himself. i scoot closer to him and he pulls me in by my waist until i'm practically sitting on him. "better?" he ask as a slight blush covers my cheeks. "much." i say answering his question with the shortest answer possible. "THATS BULLSHIT!" daniel yells about halfway through the first episode. "HOW DID A KID ALREADY GO MISSING?" he asks with his eyes nearly popping out of his head. "calm down dani, it's just a show." i say as i lay my hand on his cheek. his face suddenly softens and he smiles. "you're so cute dani." i say letting my mouth speak before my mind can process. i almost try to take it back but daniel cuts me off before i've even started. "you're cutest zella." he says now grabbing my cheek. "stop." i say and look down noticing the raging blush on my cheeks. "zell, stop you are the cutest when you blush." i look up and smile. i stare in daniels eyes almost getting lost in the ocean blue orbs. we stare into each other's eyes for what feels like forever before i see daniels eyes move down to my lips then quickly back up to my eyes. "zella, i really want to-." he gets suddenly cut off by four boys storming into the house with at least 10 bags each. daniel stops and looks up at the boys. i'm to scared to look up not wanting to know if they just saw what happened. "did we interrupt something?" corbyn asks making me look up. as soon as i look up i see a very visible smirk on his face. "nope just me and dani watching stranger things." i say trying to act as normal as possible as daniel gives my leg a slight squeeze almost in reassurance. i see zach's eyebrow raise but everyone just drops the subject. "thank god." i hear daniel say under his breath. i chuckle and look up at him yet again. "how is your laugh cute too there has to be something that is bad about you?" daniel says as if he's in shock. "i mean there's my wavy yet crazy blonde hair, my big thighs, all my stretch marks, my-." i'm cut off by daniel. "zell." daniel put his hand on my leg. "you're perfect, your beautiful blonde waves, your small body and all, and stretch marks are normal, and they look great on you." daniel says making me smile from how overly nice he is. "daniel, you don't have to tell me these things." i say with a sigh escaping my lips. "i know, but sometimes you just need to be reminded of your worth." he says and shows off his cute little tooth gap. "if you were a pizza you'd be extra cheesy and extra saucy." i say as i stand up and go up the stairs. i don't want to sleep on the couch again so i'm stealing daniels bed for the night. i see daniel behind me. "where do you think you're going?" he asks wrapping his arms around my waist and setting his head on my shoulder. "i'm going to your room to sleep." i said walking with his arms still wrapped around me. "well what if i want to sleep in my bed?" he questions and i can feel his smirk in the crook of my neck. "there's a floor." i said finally coming up with something to say back. "ok fair, i'll sleep on the floor." he said as we finally entered his room. "here. since you don't have any clothes." he said as he handed me a pair of his sweatpants and a shirt. i quickly took the clothes and headed to the bathroom. "thanks dan." i said laughing. i quickly slide off all of my clothes and slip on the clothes that daniel gave me. all of the clothes were way to big so i decided on tying up the shirt a bit to where it went to my hips instead of my mid thighs. i walk straight into daniels room considering his bathroom is attached to it. i walk in and instantly see a shirtless daniel. i just stare not having anything to say, and not being able to process what is going on. he turns around and sees me staring. "sorry i sleep shirtless, i hope you don't mind?" he says as he walks over to the closet and grabs some blankets from the top shelf. he lays them on the ground making them into a pallet on the ground. he starts laying down on the ground as i lay down on his bed. "daniel?" i say. "yea?" he says back after yawning. "come here." i say sitting up to where i can see his face. "really? after i just got comfy?" i nod and laugh a little. "pwease?" i plead with my puppy dog eyes. he finally gets up. "you know i can't resist your puppy eyes." he said as he stood up. "i know that's why i did it." i say with a smirk. he reaches the bed and i look up at him. "can you sleep with me i'm cold." i say with puppy eyes yet again. "only because you're cute, that's the only reason." he says as he slides him self on the bed then under the covers. thanks dani." i say as i scoot my body closer to his. "cuddle me?" he asks looking at me with his bottom lip pouched out. "only because you're cute, that's the only reason." i say recalling his remark from moments earlier. i scoot even closer to him and place my head on his bare chest. he picks up his arm and slowly wraps it around my waist. "thank you dani, for everything." i say yawning feeling the sleepiness almost take over. "you don't have to thank me, you deserve the world and more zella brexly." he says and holds my hand while doing so. "you deserve it all zella, and that's what i'm gonna try and give you." he says and i feel even more sleepy if that's possible. "you don't have to though dani." i say and try to wake myself a bit by looking up at him. "but that's what you deserve zella, you don't need people like jake and you don't need toxic people that are gonna hurt you brex, i want to protect you from all that." i can barely make out what he said but once i did i just smiled. "thank you dani." is all i can manage to get out before i pass out on daniels bare chest.
apparently ya girl can not stay on schedule because she's editing too much
(go follow me on insta @carefreecorbyn) but i'm gonna try and write more often so let's see how that goes

Rooftop⇾Daniel Seavey
FanficWhen a girl climbs on the roof because she can't sleep and she happened to find a boy. ®️all rights reserved I own all of the plot and Zella Brexly Carter.