Chapter 1: The Last Day of Summer

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Hope's POV
It was the last day of summer and of course I had to go to work. My schedule was 1:30- 7:45. I got up at 10:30, took a shower, put on my work uniform, put my hair in a fishtail braid and put my shoes on. (Outfit shown above 👆). I also put on some light makeup. Then, I went downstairs to have breakfast and saw my brother Raf. "Hey big bro." I said. " Hey little sis. Have work today." He asked knowing that I had to work today because I had wrote it on the calendar. " Yes I do have work today, but I might be a little late coming home. I am going to stop by the plaza they have this really cool music thing today. " I said trying to convince him to let me go." Ok, but be home no later than 10:30 pm. We don't need mom and dad to worry." Raf said. I nodded showing that I agreed and left. When I left it was 11:40. I figured I had some time to burn, so I went for a walk in the park. I was walking there, and that's when I saw him. He was the cute new kid that Stefan and Elena Salvatore adopted, but no one knew who he was. I saw him running around the park, and I think I might have fainted because next thing I knew he was holding me." Are you ok? Sorry I ran into you. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I just kept staring at the ground." He said. When I regain enough consciousness to talk I said " Yeah, I'm fine. A little fall never hurt anyone. Guess you never had a girl fall that quickly for you. Huh." We shared a slight chuckle. Then I looked at my watch, and it was 12:55." Sorry to cut this meeting short but I have to get to work. My name is Hope Mikaelson by the way." I said really quickly, worried about if I was going to be late. " It's fine, but I think I should walk with you to make sure you don't fall again. My name is Landon Kirby. Nice to meet you Miss. Mikaelson." He said and laughed, while I glared at him. " I'm no damsel in distress you can just go around saving, and it's just Hope." I said in the snarkiest tone I have. " Sheesh ok fine." He said mimicking my snarky tone. " Bye Landon." I said. " Bye." When we finished it was 1:05. I walked to work, because it was only 15 minutes away. I got there 10 minutes earlier than I was supposed to so I started early. I went to see my boss. I knocked on the door "Come in." He yelled. I opened the door and saw the same dark hair I saw this afternoon it was Landon Kirby. " What are you doing here." I said trying to keep my cool. " I am interviewing Mr.Kirby for our open waiter position. Which he got. Welcome to Mystic Grille. Since, Hope is here she will show you the ropes." My boss said as I rolled my eyes. " I'm honored." I said in the most sarcastic voice I had. " Landon, this is Hope. She is the best waitress here." My boss said, and I smiled. " Oh we've met before." Landon said. " Ok well let me show you the works." I said in a snarky tone. We started at 1:35. I first him taught him to put an order in the Cash register. After that I taught Landon how to put whipped cream on the bottom of a milkshake. Then we started to wait his first table. It was 2:15 when Raf and Josie came in. " Hi welcome to the Mystic Grille. How may we help you today?" I said with Landon beside me. We were waiting the table that Raf and Josie sat at for their date. " What is he doing here?" Raf asked being overly protective as usual. "My boss told me to teach him the ropes." I said trying to convince Raf that I was just reaching Landon work stuff. " So what would you like to drink?" I asked continued with the lesson. " I'll take water." Josie said." Make that 2." Raf said agreeing with Josie's drink choice. " We'll go put those in and be right back with your water." I said and went Landon followed me. " That was awkward. Do you want me to go get the glasses of water for them, and ask them want they want to eat?" Landon said trying to be helpful." I just finished, so I'll go with you." I said quickly. We went back to the table with the glasses of water. " Figure out what you would like to eat this evening?" Landon said totally taking over. " One hamburger and fries and One chicken sandwich and fries. " Raf said as he finished ordering. While Landon and I were walking back. I punched him lightly on the shoulder. " That was alpha male of you." I joked. " I figured it was good to get in practice Miss. Mikaelson." He laughed while I glared at him. " I told you it is just Hope or you can make one up." I said. " Fine, what about H.M". That was the coolest nickname someone ever gave me, but I hid that from him and replied in a snarky tone " I guess that fine." I said while rolling my eyes. We came back with the hamburger, chicken sandwich, and 2 orders of fries. " Enjoy your meal." I said with a smile.
Five minutes later
Landon placed the receipt on the table. We cleared off all the plates and glasses on the table. I hoped that one day someone would take me on dates like the way my brother took Josie out. " Landon go tell them thank you for visiting please come back soon." I said " Ok, fine HM." Landon went over there and did exactly what I told him. " They gave us $10 tip $5 for both of us cool right." He said so excited it was his first tip. " Congrats." I told him. He looked at me. " Now what." He asked curiously. " Well it is time for our break." It was 2:35 when I went on break. Landon and I spent our break together " So, what do you think so far?" I asked him breaking the awkward silence. " About what?" He asked and I rolled my eyes like he didn't know what I was talking about." The job is it easy or hard?" I asked trying my best not to strangle him. " It's easy. I have a good teacher." He said I tried my best to hide a blush. " Thanks, speaking of teachers. What High School are you going to?" I asked trying to change the conversation."Mystic Falls High why? " He said. I replied " Because maybe I could give you a tour tomorrow. Meet me in the park at 7:05 sharp." I said sounding like some mix between nervous girl asking crush out and drill sergeant. " Yes HM." He said saluting me." We shared a laugh. I left to ask our boss if we could leave early because we worked really hard today he said yes. Thank god." So, good news our boss said we worked hard enough today we have the rest of the day off." Landon's smile started to fade." Why so gloomy we don't have to work for the rest of the day." I said weirded out by his reaction. " I barely have any friends so I have nothing to do." He said I felt sorry for him.I looked at my watch it was 3:05 " Well I have cheerleading practice from 3:30-4:30. There is this music in the square tonight do you want to go with me?" I said and looked at him. I saw a grin slowly grow on his face. We stayed there for a while until he responded " Sure H.M. See you then." We shared a goodbye, and I went home to get ready for cheer practice.


I hope you enjoy this chapter I tried not to make it short but ended up writing a whole dang essay so I breaking it up into 2 separate chapters so Enjoy and please comment and tell me how I can improve. I really hope you enjoy.

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