Chapter 3: The First Day of School part 2

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Previously in Hope and Landon: One True Love.
Landon's Schedule
1. AP human geography
2. Biology
3. Geometry
4. AICE general paper
6. Spanish I
7. Culinary arts

Hope took a glance at her schedule, and then back at Landon's. " What's wrong Hope?" Landon asked. " Well we have the exact same schedule." I said. " Well isn't that a good thing now we can both see our classes before school starts." He said. " I guess, but we might have to sit together in those classes since your new." I said. My cheeks started to burn up, and I saw his cheeks get a light shade of pink. " Ok let's get on with the tour." I said. "Ok let's go." He said.

Now Continued
Hope's POV
I just finished giving Landon his tour. " Ok, so where are we going now?" Landon asked me. " Well we now go to first period." I said laughing. " Ok first of all I knew that, and secondly, no one likes a smarty pants." He said. I smiled at looked away. " Let's just get to class I asked grabbing his hand and running to class. " You didn't have to do that I am more than capable of walking without a girly girl pulling me."He said and pulled his arm away from my grasp. We walked into the hallway and to our AP Human Geography class. "Let's go in." I said and opened the door he went in first. " Oh my freshman students. Welcome there is only one table empty in the back. I'm Mr.Saltzman." He said and Landon and I walked to the back of the classroom. " See what did I say we are sitting next to each other." I whispered to him getting the stuff from out of my backpack. "I guess you were right. I can't ever call you wrong." He whispered into my ear which made me blush a little. He then got his stuff out of his back pack.
(Time Skip Lunch)
Basically Lunch is after 3rd period and Hope and Landon have been sitting next to each other all day.
Hope and Landon walk into the cafeteria. " So do you wanna sit together? Or not?" He asked me. I have 2nd Lunch while my brother has 1st. " Sure, let me call over my friends." I say and walk over to them. " M.G, Lizzie come here there is someone I want you to meet." I said walking back to where Landon was sitting. " Woah he's cute." Lizzie whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but blush. " I haven't noticed the times I've kissed him." I whispered back. " WHAT!?!?!?!" Lizzie yelled a little too loud. " What are you guys talking about?" Landon asked us. " Umm nothing important just girl stuff."  I said. " Really not anything about last night." Landon said. " SHUT UP." I whispered yelled so only the three could hear me. " What happened last night?" M.G asked me. Landon and I stared at each other with a ' Do we tell them' look, and he nodded. " Last night, after a couple hours Hope and I went on a date and I kissed her and spent the night at her house. Yeah so that's it no biggie." Landon said. " OMG did anything else happen?" Lizzie asked while smirking at us. " No we just slept." I said seriously. " Hope Mikaelson and Landon Kirby to the front office please." I heard my mom over the intercom. " Guess we should get going." I said grabbing Landon's hand and running out of the cafeteria. " Wat did I say I can walk." He said emphasizing the last three words. " Hi Mom dad what do you need." I said smiling at my lovely parents. " Hi Hope and Landon. Well Hope since you showed Landon most of the school already, and he doesn't have all his credits from middle school due to him being in a foster home. Sorry Landon. He needs to take extra classes, and since you two are getting along so well and work together we were wondering if you could tutor him so he can get his credits. We need to start as soon as possible. So can you guys do today?" My mom asked and explained it to us. " Well we have to work this afternoon, than tonight Raf asked us if we would join him and Josie in the square tonight @ 8:30 and we work 3-6. So maybe from 7-8 I can tutor him than more this weekend." I ask suggesting the idea to my parents. " Well, we should punish you for the shenanigans you pulled yesterday, but that was the first time so we'll let you slide. The tutoring for an hour today and more on the weekend is a great idea. So, yes you guys are free to go, and have fun tonight." My dad said. " We will, see you guys at home. We have to be getting back to class now. Talk to you guys at home. Ok Love you guys." " We love you too Hope." My mom replied. With that, me and Landon exited the room. As we were walking I saw him look down and sniffing. " Hey, What's wrong?" I asked him pulling us to a private bench no one knew about, but me and my family. " Nothing, I'm fine. Let's get going back to class. We don't want to be late." He said getting up. I grab his arm, and pull him to sit down again. I grab his hand and put it on my cheek. With my hand, I move his hand on my cheek, and start smiling. " Please tell me I promise no matter what I won't judge you plus there are still ( I check my watch) 10 minutes left of lunch. Which means 10 minutes for you to tell me what's wrong?" I say. I get on the ground and look up at him to see that he had been crying. I get back on the bench and pull him into a hug. He hugs me back. " Ok, fine I will tell you the thing is that I saw how much your biological parents care about you, and it just made me feel more abandoned I know that Stefan and Elena care about me. I always wonder why did my parents give me up. Was I not good enough? Did they hate me the moment they laid eyes on me? Did my mom due during child birth, and my dad didn't want me around? Was I..." I cut him off by kissing him softly and passionately on the lips, before he can keep rambling on. " First, you are the best person ever and I am sure your parents felt the same way. Second, no one can hate you it is literally impossible. Third, we can't be sure, but I will try and help you find out." I finished. He hugged me. " How do you know what to say about this?" He asked me. " Well, when Raf came he felt the same way, so I helped him through it. Now look at him. He has a girlfriend, friends, and an out of this world sister if I do say so myself." I say smiling at the last part. " The last part is right you are out of this world. Second, Thanks Hope. I wouldn't be able to do this without you. Third, Do you think you can help me when I have one of these episodes again?" He asked me." Of course, you have my number. Just call me, when you need me." I told him. We leaned in and the bell rang. " Perfect timing." I say sarcastically. " Come on AICE general paper awaits." He said. I chuckled, and we went to class. When we went in the classroom. I saw Raf, Josie, Lizzie, and MG sitting at a table with two empty sits." Want to sit there?" I ask gesturing to the table with my brother, and my friends. " Sure I would like that." He said. We went over and sat down the boys on one side and the girls on another. " Hey Everybody this is Landon. He is new here." I said

This is where everyone was sitting. " Hey Landon. I'm Rafael, but you can call me Raf. I am Hope's older brother." He said. " Hey Raf. I met you the other day. And you must be Josie." He says looking at the brunette on my right. " Yes I am. I'm also Raf's girlfriend, so don't you try to get me try Lizzie" She said giggling. " JOSIE SHUT UP. I ALREADY LIKE SOMEONE ELSE." Lizzie yelled. " Lizzie Saltzman be quiet before I send you to the principal's office, and start working on the assignment." The teacher yelled at us. " Sorry." We all said." oooooooooooh who do you like Lizzie." I asked with a smile on my face. " Not telling." She said zipping her lips. I chuckled. " Aw man. I guess no one is available for you Landon. Lizzie doesn't like you Landon." Josie says with a grin. " What about me?" I ask. " Hop you are not going near a boy unless it is a best friend like MG because he already likes someone." Raf tells me. " Awwwww why not?" I ask Raf. " Ok fine only if they know you, and you create a game show and they can beat me in it." He says. I look at Landon, and he gets a sliver of hope in his eyes. "Oh Raf speaking of Landon I was wondering if you still wanted him to come with us to the square today. If that's ok with you three Josie, Raf, and Landon. " I asked. " It fine with me. I'll enjoy it." Josie said. " I'll go if everyone agrees." Landon says. "Well I think it would be wonderful if everybody comes. I have a question is everyone ok if my friends from basketball join Kaleb and Jed." Raf asked. " I woul love to go." Lizzie and MG said at the same time. I decided to tease them " awe couple goals." I said. They both looked down and blushed. " We are sooo not a couple." They said together again. "Adorbs. I wish I had someone like that." I said while sighing. Lizzie whispered in my ear." You have Landon." I giggled and whispered back. " He doesn't like me like that." Then, we tuned into the group." Hey can I bring Penelope from cheer." Josie asked. " And hope why are you blushing?" Landon asked. I then took my compact out of my backpack and looked at my face sure enough my cheeks were brighter then a tomato. I put it back in my back pack. " To Josie's question sure the more the merrier, and to Landon's question it's a secret." I said blushing harder. The bell rang. Saved by the Bell. " Come on hope time for ROTC." Landon told me. " Bye everyone." I told them then left with Landon. " So what am I gonna do about your brother's am I worthy to date your little sister." I giggled at what Landon just said. " Well let's not worry about that but right now we have to worry about knowing everything about me." I said with a smirk.  " Ok so what are you wearing tonight so I can match you." Landon asks me. " It's a surprise, but wear khakis and a white shirt." I said with a wink. " Ok, so if you don't mind why don't we sit separate so no one will think we're dating." He said. " Ok I think that is a good idea." I replied.

Time to head to the square.

" Hope come on let's go we are going to be late." Raf yelled at me. " I can take as long as I want." I replied curling the last part of my hair and rechecking myself in the mirror

I then walked out of the room. " I'm ready go." I said grabbing my white flats and white purse. " Fine let's go." He replied. We then walked to the park. I saw someone who I never seen before. " Hey um who are you if you don't mind me asking." I asked the boy that had his back turned to me. He turned around and said " I'm Stefan and Elena Salvatore's biological son I'm Shawn and my girlfriend over there's name is Camilla." I then looked around and saw an unfamiliar girl talking to Landon. I guessed that it was Camilla. I decided to say hi so I walked over to where Camilla and Landon were. " Hey Landon and Camilla. I am Hope." I said to Camilla " Hey. I'm Camilla but I guess Shawn already told you that." We chuckled after that. We just started talking and then she said the question I've been dreading " So are you two dating?" Camilla asked and Landon and I glanced at each other and said.................



" No we are just friends but we have kissed." I said and what happened next surprised us.

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