Chapter 2: Our First Date

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Landon's POV
Hope Mikaelson just asked me on a date. I was so excited, but I still haven't answered trying to keep my cool " Sure H.M. See you then." I said, but I couldn't help a smile creeping on my face. " What time do you what me to meet you ?" I asked confused. She groaned as if she might regret what she was about to do. " Give me your phone." She asked, and I was hesitant to give her my phone. First off, this was my first phone I had been in the foster system and they don't exactly give you a phone. Secondly, I was concerned what if she saw something she didn't like. Despite all odds I manned up and reached for my phone." Here you go H.M.". I said she started typing and I was wondering what she was doing until she asked me " Do you want me to put H.M. in here or Hope." I joked with her saying " You can put G.F in there." I laughed as I saw her trying to hide a blush, but covered it up. " Be serious." She said angry, but I could see a slight smile find its way to her lips. " You can put H.M." I paused and looked at the time it was 3:15 then continued " If you want to be on time to cheer you better hurry up. I will text you so you have my number. Bye H.M." " Bye Landon." She replied. Omg. She is so beautiful and her eyes sparkle in the sunlight you could just get lost in them.

Hope's POV
I just gave Landon Kirby of all people my phone number, but I didn't regret it one bit. He was so handsome and I literally had the best time with him today. I don't know if he feels the same way about me, so for now we play hard to get. I looked at my watch it was 3:23 I had 7 minutes to get to the park in my cheer auditioning outfit. I had extra clothes in my backpack it was a blue t-shirt with grey booty shorts.

^ This was the outfit she wore ^It was all I had so I got to the park and changed in the bathroom

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^ This was the outfit she wore ^
It was all I had so I got to the park and changed in the bathroom. Ewwww gross bad idea. I made it on time though. By the time I got there they were just taking attendance of all the girls that showed up " Hope Mikaelson." I heard my name be called " Present." I said quickly. " Ok show us a floor routine." " Yes Ma'am." I said in a respectable manner.

Hope did this routine perfectly. " Congratulations Hope you are now a member of the Mystic Falls High School cheer squad The Timberwolves." I was so excited I could not stop smiling. " Thank you I am so excited to do this." I said. " Ok, one thing before we start here is your Timberwolves uniform." I said once again." Thank you so much."


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