My Boyfriend's a Psychopath

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It had been an hour since I finished my dinner. I had already showered, and now smelling of Sweet Pea. I sat on my bed working on my amendment project. I was copy and pasting images off the internet and quickly noticed Ryan Delgado had just IMed me.

RYAN_DELGADO: okay cool. do you want to meet me at the coffee bean tomarrow at...2?

LIVELAUGHLIVVY: Um, yeah sure.

RYAN_DELGADO: bring your images and amendment bulletpoints plus the poster board

LIVELAUGHLIVVY: Okay. See you then. :)


I quickly exited out of the chatbox and resumed to my assignment.

It was nearly 10 o'clock when I finished. Images and bulletpoints on each amentment 1-10 printed out and good to go for tomarrow with Ryan. I had always thought Ryan was cute. He had dark brown hair, hazel eyes and he was a basketball player and in track and field. I think he might like me, but he doesn't hang out with me at school since I'm not a fucking queen bee. Whatever.

After ten minutes of sitting there, I quickly shut off my lamp, shut down my laptop and went to bed.



I stared at a blank wall for hours, thinking about family, myself and...Livvy. I didn't know why my mind was scattered with the image of this girl I just met earlier today. She had something different than all the girl's I've met. I don't know. She just intruiged me. I never only felt something for anyone except my family, I don't know if I could feel something for Livvy. I hated people, she was a person. I just wish they(all people) would all be in a poisonous gas chamber as I gassed them to death, or if they all had one neck so I could have my hands around it.

I fingered a pocket knife in my hand, the blade almost hitting skin. I looked out the window, into what appeared as Livvy's room. Her walls were turqouise, white, and black. It seemed to be as if she was sleeping, her lights were off and I could hear music playing. Something soft and gental went through her speakers. Just thinking about the music almost made me want to sleep for a century.

I didn't know how Monday was going to play out with her driving us to school. Ugh school. I didn't want to go to school, people around me and in a setting that made things a trillion times worse then they already were.

Sighing, I layed down on my bed and drifted to sleep thanks to Livvy's music.

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