My Boyfriend's a Psychopath

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I slept through what it seemed like an eternity, I was so tired. I could smell bacon from downstairs and knew it had to still be the morning. I wanted to open my eyes but I knew my blinds were open and my eyes would hurt fom not being adjusted. It took me 5 minutes to finally wake up fully. I quickly shut my ipod off and grabbed my laptop off the floor. I walked to my desk which was infront of a window outlooking to our new neighbors window. I set it down and looked out the window. A dark figure is standing right infront of the window, I couldn't decipher who it was. Then they quickly shut the blinds. "Okay?" I whispered to myself, reaching for the charging cord and plugging it into the charging hole.

Once I was downstairs, the bacon smell became stronger and stronger. I looked at the clock on the stove as I entered the kitchen and noticed it was 10:21 am.

"Hey mom." I said, grabbing a plate. She looked back and smiled.

"Hey sweetheart. How was your sleep?" she asked.

"Pretty good because I left Beethoven on all night. I sleep like a baby." I said, dishing myself some up bacon, eggs and a buttered piece of toast. "Thanks mom." I finished, grabbing a fork and heading to the table. I was suprised my mom was doing this, she usually didn't. She was usually doing work from home on Sundays. "So...don't you have work?" I questioned, putting a piece of delicious bacon into my mouth.

"I do, just thought it'd be nice." she said bluntly.

"It is, thanks."

"So what do you have planned for today?" Susan asked, bringing her plate over to the table.

"Nothing except I have to meet Ryan Delgado at 2 at the coffee bean for a government project. What about you?" I asked, between bites.

"Ohhh isn't he the guy you've been crushing on since you were in like the 1st grade?" she said with a joking smile.

"No, that was Eric Thompson...he moved to Canada." I said, chewing my bacon.

Once breakfast was over, I went up to my room and grabbed my sketchbook and pack of pencils. Looking around, I opened the window, hoping my mom wouldn't find me. I climbed out onto a giant tree seperating my house and Titus's house. Gaining balance, I sat down and began to ponder.

What was I going to sketch because my sketchbook already consisted of trees, flowers, family and friends...I was unsure. All of a sudden I hear a window open, not mine but Titus's I'm assuming since he's climbing out of it. "Um..hey Titus." I said. He looked at me, not even a glimmer of happiness escaped from his entire body.

"Hi Livvy." He said, sitting beside me.

"What brings you out here?" I asked, twirling my pencil in my hand.

"Just...enjoying the sights." He said.

"So did are you and your family settled in yet?" I asked, keeping a conversation going.

"Yeah a little. So tell me about what your drawing." He said, looking down at my paper.

"I'm not drawing anything yet, I'm trying to think of something to draw but I can't find the perfect thing to sketch."I said, sighing.

"Can I see some of your drawings?" Titus asked.

I didn't really like revealing my artwork, I was embarassed of it because it didn't make sense to others...just me. "Sure." I blurted out whilst staring into Titus's blue eyes. They literally peirced into my soul, he seemed to dig deeper and deeper. I meant to say no, but I accidentally said sure. But anyways I handed him my sketchbook and he began to flip through the pages.

He kept flipping the pages, examining each one. Then he came to my most personal drawing. It represented me and my parents. It was dark and slightly sadistic. It had a weird tone to it only Stephen King and Edgar Allen Poe would create in their brilliant minds.

"It's weird isn't it?" I said, the wind blowing the trees leaves.

"It's amazing." He said. "May I keep this?"

"Well I don't think that's a good idea. How about I draw you something...." I suggested.

"Why not, it's a gorgeous piece of art." Titus muttered, still staring at the picture.

"No means no Titus. I'm going to keep it." I said firmly. Titus's face became hard. He looked angry.

"Whatever Livvy. I'll see you tomorrow." He said, climbing back into his window.

I rolled my eyes, what a douche.

After what it seemed like an hour, I went back inside and looked at the clock. 1:03 pm. I had to meet Ryan at 2 pm at the Coffee Bean. I quickly packed my Government stuff and my laptop in my tote bag and headed downstairs. I grabbed my car keys and headed outside. "Bye mom." I said, seeing her transplant flowers in the front yard.

"See you honey, don't be out too late." She responded wiping her hands which were coated in soil, on her jeans.

"I won't." I muttered, getting in my car. I turned on my car and left for my "date" with Ryan.

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