My Boyfriend's a Psychopath

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Since I only lived a half of an hour away from town, it seemed like a short drive. Once I spotted the Coffee Bean I quickly pulled my car into a parking spot. Exiting the car, I made sure I had everything so I didn't have to take a second trip. I pressed the lock button on my keys and walked inside. No sight of Ryan.

I quickly walk to the counter and order a drink. "I'm going to have a medium caramel mocha...iced please." I said, taking out my money.

"Alright, $5.57." said the girl. I quickly looked at her name tag, which read Lola, and then handed her a 10 dollar bill. "Okay $4.43 is your change and your mocha will be right up." Lola said, starting my drink. I looked around, still no signs of Ryan. I quickly whipped out my phone, no instant message or text.

It seemed to be forever, but eventually my caramel mocha was done. I found a spot, and started on cutting the amendment images out.

I looked at my watch and it was 2:15, where was he?!

All of a sudden Ryan rushs into the building and sits down, trying to catch his breath.

"Where were you?" I asked, sipping my iced beverage.

"Sorry, I got caught up in traffic." Ryan said. I could tell he was lieing, it was sunday and I've lived in this town ever since I was born. Sundays never had traffic. He was probably out having sex with some slut on the corner...and by that slut on the corner I mean Sasha Bellat. That girl like lost her V-card when she was in 8th grade.

"It's fine." I lied. "Let's just get this stupid project done."

After an hour and a half, we were finally done and according to my specifications, we for sure are gonna recieve an A.

The drive home was quiet, passing teenagers on bikes and Mr. Lewis on his motor powered chair, having three grocery bags hooked on. Poor man, I would've helped him, except his wheelchair would probably wouldn't fit.

Once I pulled in the driveway, I saw a truck parked near the driveway. What?! I shut off the car and made sure it was in park. Grabbing my stuff, I hurried inside. I set my keys on the counter, finding my dad sit at the kitchen table.

"Dad?!" I questioned. I didn't know if I was happy or furious.

He looked up at me. "Hey kiddo!" he said getting up and running over to hug me. When he hugged me, I didn't feel happy. I was honestly quite pissed. He always was leaving us. I pushed him away. "What's the matter?"

"Whats the fucking matter?" I shout. "No phone call, no just show up."

"I thought you would be happy I'm here." he muttered, eyebrows quirked.

I rolled my eyes. "I am happy but you can't just show up with no call or something. When do you have to leave?" I asked.

"Tuesday." he stated. Rolling my eyes, I stomped up stairs. Really, I had two days to spend with my dad out of the 365 days availiable, a most of the time I was at school. I slammed my door before my dad could say anything, except I heard him scream, "No slamming doors!"

I rolled my eyes, looking at the time. It was 5:30 and I knew I'd have to face the wrath of my parents fighting all night, so I just drifted asleep.

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