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Name: Bratislava

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Name: Bratislava

Human Name: Nina Murgas

Age: 11

Birthday: October 27th

Best Friends: Harper Kirkland/Wellington

National Animal: has many, but changes into a lynx most of the time

Family: Jakub Murgas/Slovakia (father)

Hedvika Libuse Jelínková/Czech Republic (Aunt)


-Feliks Łukasiewicz/Poland

-Janez Margon/Slovenia


-Janina Łukasiewicz/Warsaw

-Alois Jelínková/Prague

-Ana Margon/Ljubljana

Hobbies: Playing and teaching other children

Likes: Majales

-International day of children

-Feast of Epiphany


Dislikes: Vulgar behavior

Fears: Other people thinking she acts like a baby, and using children or her fellow Nations and Nation kids against her.

Bio: Nina is someone who you can definitely count on as a babysitter. Kids in both her own country and abroad instantly adore her, and will want to spend almost every waking moment with her. She loves playing games and enjoys the freedom that only children can have. She adores animals and it is something she shares with New Zealand's daughter Harper. They often tag team to nurse injured wildlife back to full health and releasing them back into their natural environment. She does not, under any circumstances, tolerate vulgar language and behaviors, and will straighten out the smart alec who got caught.

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