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Name: Minsk

Human Name: Miroslav Arlovskaya

Age: 16

Birthday: August 26th

National Animal: European Bison

Best Friends: Adrian Rusu/Tiraspol

Family: Natalya Arlovskaya/ Belarus (Mother)

Russia/ Ivan Braginski (Uncle)

Ukraine/Yekaterina Katyusha (Aunt)


Lubov Anastasia Branginsky/Moscow

Andriy Katyusha/Kiev

Hobbies: fortune telling

Likes: watching the sunrise

-Spending time with the pleasant ghosts

Dislikes: TV static

-his mother's bizarre obsession with his uncle

Fears: Insanity

Bio: Miroslav may look like his mother, but when it comes to some aspects of his personality, he couldn't be any more different from her. For one thing, he does not like his mother's bizzare obsession with marrying and becoming one with her brother, his uncle, Russia. Rather he sees his uncle as more of  an older brother-like figure, and often is the only one out of a rare few who can ever get her to snap out of her delusions, and behave. And like his cousin Lubov, he despises insanity, seeing that when someone becomes obsessed with something to the point of insanity, there is no telling what they may do, or who will caught in the crossfire. He's much more sociable than his mother, and one of the few things he does have in common with her is that they are both quite good at reading fortunes, so good in fact, that he will often read the other Nation kids' fortunes for them. He hates TV static with passion, claims it reminds of something from the days of the Soviet Union. Like Belarus, Miroslav can see and interact with ghosts, but he prefers the company of the more peaceful members of the deceased. He loves watching the sun rise, enjoying the first moments of beauty of a brand new day, and sees it as a sign that even if things get hard, there will always be a small ray of hope for the future.

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