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Name: Vienna

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Name: Vienna

Human Name: Léonie Edelstein


Birthday: October 27th

Best Friends: Talia Williams/Toronto

National Animal: Black Eagle

Family: Roderich Edelstein/Austria (father)

Elizabeta Héderváry/Hungary (Stepmother)

Barnat Héderváry/Budapest (Stepbrother)

Hubert Edelstein/Kugelmugel (micronation brother)

Lillia 'Lilli' Vogel/Liechtenstein (Aunt)

-Gilbert Beilschmidt/Prussia
-Ludwig Beilschmidt/Germany
-Vash Zwingli/Switzerland

-Emilia Beilschmidt/Berlin
-Johanna Beilschmidt/ Konigsberg (Present day Kiel)
-Erik Vogel/Vaduz
-Lena Zwingli/Bern
-Julianna Beilschmidt-Williams/ Montreal (half-cousin)

Hobbies: Learning to be a proper young lady

-playing the piano, as well as multiple other classical music instruments


-Spending time with her family



-Horse back riding

Dislikes: Prussia mocking her father's somewhat aristocratic behavior


Bio: Léonie is pretty much Austria's little princess. She acts like a proper young lady, learning how to socialize with people of all levels of society, but she also has a wave of toughness that she developed from Hungary and her Uncles Germany and Switzerland. She is a genius on the piano, as well as other musical instruments, and Austria taught all of the pieces of the most famous composers, such as Mozart and Beethoven. She and Barnat also but on a little concert for the other countries when the world meeting rolls around into Austria or Hungary. She shares her love of music with Canada's daughter Toronto, who is the twin sister of Ottawa, and the two will get together to share different tunes with eachother, Vienna with old classics, and Toronto with more modern types of music. And she is also a very good rider, having had her father and Barnat teaching her from the time she first learned to walk. Like Barnat, she also trains with Germany and Berlin, along with her other uncles and cousins. And she is quite a powerhouse on the battlefield, and unlike her father, she does not surrender or beg for mercy from her opponents.

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