1. New Beginnings

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"Mama?" Sofia says, getting my attention, and I turn over in my bed to see her standing in the doorway. "James fell over, he says he needs your help."

I instantly throw off the covers and rush out of bed. "Oh my god." I say as I follow Sofia as she directs me to where James is. I follow her down the hallway to her room, and as soon as I step inside the room I stop instantly, paralysed with shock.

"Surprise!" James says playfully, a massive grin on his face. I scan the room, and Sofia has a proper bed all to herself now, rather than just a mattress on the floor that she's been sleeping in for the past few days since we moved in to this new house. But not only that, the walls have been painted a pale pink colour, and there's fairy lights framing the headboard of her bed. "Do you like it?"

I'm a little lost for words but eventually I reply. "You did this?" I ask, unable to process that he's done this for my daughter, even though she's never had a bed of her own before.

"Well, I had a lot of help." He claims, looking at Sofia, causing her to smile and me to chuckle a little, a tear escaping and rolling down my face. "Woah, what's wrong? Do you not like it?" He asks, noticing that I'm starting to cry a little.

"No it's not that." I reassure, realising how silly I'm acting right now. "I love it, it's beautiful. It's just," I start, trying my best to get my words out as best as I can. "It's just, no one's ever done anything like this for me before, for either of us." I say, holding my arm out for Sofia to give me a hug.

"Well you better start getting used to it." James tells me, joining in on mine and Sofia's hug, making it a three-way hug. "I'd do anything for you, you know that." He says, then glances down at Sofia, "both of you."

He then reaches down and picks Sofia up, resting her on his hip like I used to do when she was smaller and lighter. But he makes it look so effortless. And I love how much the two of them have bonded in the last week since we've left the villa, it just makes my heart grow more and more; more than I thought it ever could. I used to think there was only space for my beautiful little girl in my heart, but now I know what it's like to have love for two. And I'm so lucky for that gift.


The door bell rings and I'm so excited to answer it, when I open the door, Asher and Taylor are standing behind it and I instantly pull her into a hug. "I've missed you so much!" I tell her, I haven't seen her since she left the villa. It's been pretty hectic since the final last week; James and I have spent the whole time sorting out our new house, and settling in.

"Trust me, I've missed you more." She laughs in return, pulling away from the hug.

"I can confirm that." Taylor adds, then gives me a quick welcoming hug, "she hasn't stopped banging on about you."

Just then, James peeks his head round the corner and joins us in the hallway. "Hey guys, you alright?" He smiles, walking towards us, but we all make our way towards him so we can all sit down in the living room. When we're all sat down, James asks the question that I've been too scared to ask. "So how's your uncle, Taylor?"

"Umm," He starts hesitantly, and I can understand why. Turns out the reason Taylor had to leave the villa was because his uncle got diagnosed with cancer. "There's not much they can do, but they said we've got at least another year with him."

Asher places her hand on his forearm, managing to comfort him in some way, and a small smile appears on his face. "Which means we've got a whole year to show him how much you love him." Asher tells him.

"Anyway, let's maybe talk about something a lot more cheery." Taylor says, changing the subject. "Where's Sofia? We haven't had a chance to meet her yet."

"She's at her great grandma's house." I explain, "my Nonna said she'd look after her whilst we went out for dinner."

"That's so annoying, I was hoping I could finally meet the little version of you." Asher giggles, "do you at least have some photos?"

I dig out my phone from my pocket and search through my camera roll. "James, could you show me where the toilet is?" Taylor asks as I do this, and the two guys leave the room in search for the bathroom.

I hand over my phone so that Asher can see my little girl. "She's adorable," she instantly remarks with a smile. "How's she getting on with James?"

I put my phone away as I respond. "They've gotten on so well, I'm so surprised." I tell her, a wide smile on my face. I just can't contain how happy I am that the two most important people in my life have bonded so much. "He's so good with her as well, he's been living with her for not even a week and he's already treating her like a princess. It's like she's his actually daughter."

"That's so good." She says, but then James walks back into the room, and we instantly go silent.

"What's going on in here?" He asks sceptically, clearly knowing that something is going on.

"Nothing." I smirk, looking at him, "just talking about you, that's all."

"All good things, I hope." He laughs, as Taylor re-enters the room. "Right, well I guess we should get going then." He announces, and Asher and I stand up and head to the door.

"So are we meeting Jodie and Kyle there?" Asher asks, and I nod in response. "Cool, you know I've never been on a triple date before. I've never even been on a double date."

"Neither." I admit as we make our way out the house and into the car. "But I can't wait."

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