17. Home Again

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Well that was interesting. My first ever antenatal class without James. But it wasn't all that bad, Taylor came with me which made it so much more funny. Not only because he was cracking jokes all the time, but because I had to explain to everyone how he was just a friend and not my new boyfriend.

It makes you wonder why everyone assumes that a girl and guy can't be just friends though. But it didn't bother me, and Taylor didn't mind either. I'm so thankful that he's here, I truly don't know what I'd do without him. He's been so much help.

Taylor and I walk back into my house, laughing at one of his jokes. "Oh my god Taylor, you can't say that." I laugh, walking though the door.

"Why not, it's true." He laughs in return, following behind me.

But we stop dead when we see James in front of us. "James?!" I exclaim in excitement. Then run up to him quickly and throw my arms around him. "What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming back until tomorrow."

"We closed the deal early so I thought I'd come back and surprise you." He explains, but he doesn't seem his usual happy self. I thought he'd be more pleased to see me considering we haven't seen each other in over a week. But oh well, maybe he's just jet lagged or something, I don't know.

"Good to see you again mate." Taylor says walking towards us. "How was the flight?"

"Yeah it was good." James smiles politely, answering his question. "What are you doing here though, Taylor?"

"Oh, well I was taking Vee to her antenatal class." Taylor explains with his usual smile, but when I look at James he's not smiling back, he looks very serious.

"I told you Asher and Taylor we're helping me out whilst you were away, remember?" I remind him, wondering why he's so uncomfortable with this. "And I said Taylor was gonna be here whilst Asher was away in Australia so he wasn't alone."

"I guess I just didn't realise that he was sleeping here as well, I thought he was just visiting, that's all." James explains with a small smile, justifying himself.

"Well if it's a problem I can head home, I don't want to intrude on you guys." Taylor starts, gesturing to the door.

"It's not a problem." I tell him immediately, not wanting him to leave.

"You're always welcome here Taylor." James adds, going back to his usual self. "And I can't thank you enough for looking after Vee whilst I was away."

"No worries." Taylor smiles, "besides, Asher would kill me if she knew I wasn't doing my best to look after her best friend."

"Taylor, is it alright if I steal Vee away for a second?" He asks politely.

"Go for it." Taylor replies, "I should probably have a shower anyway."

James features for me to follow him, so I do so. The two of us head up the stairs to our bedroom where all of his suitcases are placed messily in the corner. "I got you something whilst I was away." He says as we enter the room.

"You didn't have to do that." I tell him with a smile, feeling like I don't deserve whatever it is that he's got me.

"So I'm not allowed to treat my beautiful girlfriend anymore?" He jokes sarcastically as he rummages through one of his suitcases and pulls out a box. "Here."

I open it and pull out a disposable camera and a scrapbook. "What's this for?" I ask, a little confused.

"I thought we could start a little scrapbook for the baby." He tells me, "I want to remember this forever, Vee. And one day our children can look back at this and see just how much we loved them, even before they were born."

"I love it." I tell him, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Here." He starts, lifting the camera up to his face. I can't help but laugh at him as he takes a picture, causing the flash to go off. "Beautiful." He says as he stares at me. "God I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." I tell him as he steps forward and kisses me again before I even have a chance to say anything else. I really have missed this, I've missed having him around.

It's crazy to think how just one week away from him feels like a lifetime. I thought I'd be able to cope but clearly I can't. I'd like to think that it's just my hormones playing tricks on me, making me think I can't stand not being around him. But deep down I know it isn't true, I know the pregnancy hormones have nothing to do with this; I need him in my life. I love him too much.

"I bet you're not happy that you have to hold my hair back whilst I vomit now that you're back." I giggle as our lips part from one another.

"Not thrilled, but I'll cope." He chuckles. "But knowing you won't be throwing up on your hair will motivate me. I dread to think the state you've been in whilst I was gone."

"Well Taylor helped me." I remind him, "he'd hear me run to the bathroom and he'd be there straight away to pull my hair away from my face."

"Well that's awfully kind of him." James remarks, looking at me. "Speaking of Taylor, how is he and Asher doing now? Have they sorted things out?"

"Yeah they're doing good." I smile, thrilled that Asher and Taylor are so in love again despite their fall out a few weeks ago. "He's not happy that she's in Australia away from him, but other than that they couldn't be more happy."

"Just like us." James smiles, kissing me yet again.

I smile back, not being able to conceal my happiness. "Yeah, just like us."

I'm just so happy that he's home again. Back with me, back where he belongs. Everything just feels right when we're together; and nothing can ever convince me otherwise.

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