2. Family

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This is it, the day I meet James' mum. In the villa his two sisters turned up, so I never actually got to meet his mum; and he never got to meet my parents either. But James knocks on the door and his little sister answers, "Hey, you're early."

"You know me, if I'm not half an hour early then I might as well be late." James jokes, then gives her a small hug before she greets me with a hug aswell.

"It's great to see you again, Violetta." Amelia says, then gestures for us to enter the house. "Mum's upstairs, I'll go get her now."

And with that, she disappears, leaving James and I alone in his old family house. "Is it weird being back here?" I ask, as we both look around the house.

"Kind of." He admits casually, "but this will always be my home, even if I'm not living here anymore." He smiles as he says the next part, "I mean, this is the place where I lost my first tooth falling down the stairs, and the place where I took my first steps."

"It'll always be special to you." I finish, guessing what he was going to say next, and he nods his head slightly, confirming my statement. "That's the same with me and my old house. I've never lived anywhere else."

"And it reminds me of my dad." He finally says after a long pause, and I can hear the pain in his voice. "When I'm here, it's like he's with me somehow."

And suddenly it clicks in my brain just how similar we are. Everything he's feeling right now is exactly how I've felt ever since my little brother died, so I know exactly what he's going through. So I instinctively reach out and pull him into a hug, holding him tight. I eventually let go and as I pull away I place my hand on his cheek, looking him deep in the eyes. "I know it hurts like hell right now, but it will get better. I promise, over time the pain will fade."

I notice the corners of his lips slightly turn into a smile before returning to how they were, the pained expression still painted on his face. "How do you know exactly what to say?" He jokes playfully, which reminds me that we're really not the type to keep a serious situation serious.

"Because I'm the smartest person in the world." I laugh jokingly, a smirk on my face, but the smile slowly fades and I decide to say something serious, going against my sarcastic nature. My voice is quiet as I say it, and soft, almost hoping that he won't be able to hear. "And because I've felt it. I know all too well how much it hurts." The last few words come out as barely a whisper, but by the way James' arms wrap around me instantly, I know that he heard me. "Thank you." I whisper into his shoulder, as I feel my eyes starting to water.

"For what?" He questions, pulling away slightly so he can look me in the eyes, and he looks genuinely concerned.

And I don't even have to think about the words that come out of my mouth, "for being you." The words escape me, but it's true. I can't thank him enough just for being him, he's helped me more than he knows, and more than he ever could know because words can't even express how perfect this boy is to me.

Just then, we get interrupted by the sound of footsteps in the hallway, and I know that it's his mum coming to see us. We separate, and wait for her to walk in, and as soon as she does I'm shocked out how different James and his mother look. He has chocolate brown eyes, and light brown, wavy hair. But she has jet black, straight hair with dark brown eyes to match. But when she looks at me and smiles, I notice that the two of them have the same, ever so slightly, crooked smile. It's something the whole family shares, even his two sisters.

"Violetta," She starts with a smile, entering the room. "It's lovely to finally meet you." She draws me into a hug and squeezes me tight. "I feel like I know you already, watching you every night."

I can't help but laugh, "and I feel like I know you as well." I admit, then pull away from the hug. "James talks about you all the time."

"Oh does he now." She asks, raising an eyebrow at him. "What have you been saying about us now?" She jokes, but then the doorbell rings, putting a stop to her little interview. "Oh, that will be Ellie."

"I'll get it." James announces, then makes his way to the door. Ellie is his twin sister, I met her that day in the villa with Amelia, but I'll be meeting her husband and daughter for the first time.

But whilst James is gone, I turn back to his mother, Alice, to let her know exactly what he's been saying about her. "James is always saying how amazing you are, all of you guys." I say, referring to the rest of his family. "He loves you so much."

A smile forms on her face, "it's good to hear it." She lowers her voice, making sure he won't be able to hear from the hallway. "Between you and me, James has been focusing all his time on our family's company, sometimes he forgets that family comes first. But since he met you, I think he's realised what his priorities are." I look at her, confused as to whether that's a good thing or not, but she carries on explaining. "Thanks to you, he's the man I know he is. And I can't thank you enough."

"Well I don't really know what to say." I admit, a little lost for words. "I haven't done anything."

"You've loved him." She interrupts with a wide smile. "And that's what he's needed all these years."

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