9. My Family Tree

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"James." I say, getting his attention as I walk into the bedroom.

"Hey," He smiles, putting his phone down and looking up at me. "You got back quick."

"We have a problem." I tell him, looking slightly upset, and I can't help but hide how I feel.

"What is it?" He questions, standing up and taking a few steps towards me.

"Sofia isn't my little girl anymore." I admit, and I can tell how confused James is right now. "She has a boyfriend."

He instantly starts laughing, then takes my hands in his. "Stop being silly, Vee." He chuckles, pulling me closer. "You're over reacting."

"I just want her to be my little baby for as long as possible." I tell him, not taking my eyes off of him for a single second. "It feels like yesterday she was this little tiny thing that I could hold in one hand." I take a deep breath before continuing. "And now it's like I've blinked and missed all the middle bits and she's not my little baby any more."

"She'll always be your baby no matter how old she gets." He assures me, pulling me into a hug. "I get that this is upsetting for you but you still have the rest of your life to be with her, she's not going anywhere any time soon."

"You're right, I'm just being stupid." I admit, realising that he has a point. I do have a habit of over reacting, especially when it's about Sofia. I just love her so much, and I don't like the idea of her slowly slipping away from my grasp.

"And besides, at some point down the line maybe you'll have a new little baby to look after." He says the words so casually, as if the thought of being a father isn't scary at all. I know so many guys that would run for the hills if their girlfriend brought up pregnancy. And I'm so happy that he's open to that idea.

"You want kids?" I ask him, pulling away from our hug so I can look him in the eyes again. "With me?"

"Of course with you, who else would I want to have children with?" He chuckles, rolling his eyes playfully.

"No, what I mean is," I say, getting my words right this time. "You want more than just Sofia?"

"Yeah, I've always wanted a big family." He smiles, "not right now of course, I want to wait a few years yet. But one day."

I don't say anything, I just place both my hands on his cheeks and pull his head down slightly towards me, kissing him gently. I feel his hands on my waist, and the kiss grows more and more passionate until we eventually stop, and look into each other's eyes, mentally telling the other that we love them.

I smile, then say "I should probably check on Sofia, I told her I'd help her with her homework."

"I'll come too." He says, then we both make our way out of our bedroom and into the living room where Sofia is sat doodling on a piece of paper. "This doesn't look like homework, Sofia." He says, crouching down next to her.

"I did some drawing whilst I was waiting." She says, handing it to him. "Do you like it?"

"I love it, it's beautiful." He smiles, looking at the smudge of colour on the piece of paper. It's safe to say that Sofia isn't going to be an artist when she's older, but she'll always have James' support, that's for sure.

"I'll put it with the others." She says, then picks up her book bag from the floor, trying to put her drawing inside.

"You have all your drawings in there?" I ask, and she nods her head. "Let me see them." I hold out my hand and she passes me her book bag. I look at each piece of paper in turn whilst James helps Sofia with her homework, he's always been a lot smarter than me anyway. I come to the end of her many drawings and see that there's some of her work from earlier today in there, and I read a short poem that she wrote and take a look at a page of simple math problems. It looks like she's really trying her best, and I couldn't be prouder.

But I pause when I get to the very last piece of paper in her book bag. It's titled 'My Family Tree' and I instantly get nervous when I see it. I expect to see only half of a family tree, with the father's side completely blank; and the thought of that upsets me, that she has no idea who her actual father is. But when I look down, I'm utterly surprised. The other half of her family tree is filled with James' family. His parents, his sisters, aunts and uncles.

Sofia sees James as her dad. She's known him for seven months and they've already made such a strong connection that she sees him as her proper family. "James." I whisper, then hand him over the piece of paper. "Look."

He takes it off of me and smiles after realising what's in front of him. His smile grows wider and he puts one arm around my little Sofia, pulling her into a hug and kisses her on the forehead. "Right little one, how about we go out for dinner tonight?" He asks her, and her face instantly lights up.

"Really?" She asks with a big grin. She jumps up from where she's sat, "yes yes yes!" She then giggles before continuing, "I need to get changed out of my uniform." And with that, she runs out of the room, up the stairs to her bedroom.

"Well that got her excited." I laugh, sitting myself down next to James in the sofa.

"I hope you don't mind going out, she'll be back past her bedtime but-"

"No, it's fine." I interrupt him. "I think it's a good idea." My eyes fall on him again, and then on his lips. I give him a gentle peck on the lips, "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiles back, then kisses me gently. "More than anything."

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