11. The Love Island Reuinion

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"Is everyone here?" I ask, walking into the living room with Faye by my side. I think this is everyone, our house is pretty packed at the moment, so I'm kind of hoping that no one else turns up.

"I think so." Jodie says, looking around. "Thanks again for letting us borrow your house, Vee, it's by far the biggest."

"That's cause she's dating a millionaire and is the face of the fastest selling clothing line in england." Asher smiles, with genuinely not a shred of jealousy in her voice, she's happy for me. Little does she know that the money doesn't mean anything, it's just a happy little addition. "Congratulations Violetta, and congratulations James for managing to end up with the most amazing girl in the world."

"You can say that again." James adds, making me blush. In what world would he think that I'm out of his league, I'm just completely average. He, however, is everything I could ever ask for and more.

"I just can't believe you two are friends." Hannah says, causing a lot of people to nod in agreement. "Based on what went down in that first week, I never thought it was going to happen."

"Well a lot has happened since then." James starts, and he gets everyone's attention by making them stop having their individual conversations so they'll all listen to him. "The show will start soon so I's like to say something quickly. As a lot of you are probably already aware, the past few months haven't been the easiest for Violetta and I. We had to move house again due to Sofia's father showing up. Thankfully he's now in prison and we're all safe, but that feeling of safety has largely been a result of you guys, showing your support and offering a helping hand. And we can't thank you enough for everything you've done for us."

When he finishes speaking, everyone raises their glasses, all smiling and telling us that they're so glad that we're safe again. I look around at all the faces in this room, every single person that was on Love Island last year with me is here, getting ready to watch the first ever episode of this year's Love Island. And of course Jodie is recording it for her and Kyle's YouTube channel. And I've got to hand it to her, it's a pretty smart idea, it's bound to get a load of views. But I'm just glad that we're all together again.

"Right, let's all film the introduction." Jodie says excitedly, pulling out one of her many cameras. For the next half hour, Jodie and Kyle are trying to control us, which isn't an easy task, but we get there eventually and the introduction is finished. And just in time for it to start as well.

We start watching the TV, people making jokes and one liners about the new Islander's on this years show. A few of them look like carbon copies of us, which makes us laugh a bit. "Hey, I'm irriplacable mate, what you playing at?" Ricky shouts at the screen as an Italian man walks down into the garden to meet the girls, causing us all to laugh.

"Don't worry Ricky, you'll always be the Italian stallion in my eyes." Alex tells him, putting his arm around his shoulder. Now that's a bromance that I didn't see blossoming when I was in the villa, but apparently they're really good friends now.

We get to the first ad break and I head to the kitchen to get some more snacks, and a lot more wine. But as I'm filling up bowls with crisps, I see that Hannah has followed me into the kitchen. "Oh, hey Hannah, everything alright?"

"Not really." She says, checking that no one's behind her and listening in. "I could really do with your advice."

"Advice on what?" I ask, completely disregarding the snacks and focusing entirely on her.

"On me and Dougie." She says, and I'm not really surprised. After James and I kicked Dougie out of our house, he went back to Hannah and they started up a relationship again. But I've been able to tell that things aren't quite right between them, not like it used to be. "He's been so distant, and he's been a little cruel aswell. It's like he's changed into a different person, Vee. And I don't know what to do."

"Hannah, listen to me." I start, taking a step towards her and holding her hands in my own. "I love you to absolute pieces and it genuinely breaks my heart that we haven't been that close since we left the villa, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to see you be happy. And I hate to say it but Dougie doesn't make you happy anymore, not like he used to."

I can see the sadness on her face, "but he loves me." She says, pain laced in her voice, and it's a heart-breaking sound.

"Hannah, it means nothing to me if he loves you when he can't do anything about it." I say, giving her hands a squeeze. "Now I'm not going to tell you what to do, no one can tell you. You just have to have the courage to follow your heart."

"You're right." She admits, then a small smile appears on her face. "Thank you." She says, pulling me into a hug. "Now, let me help you with those snacks."

We both make our way back inside to the others, and I secretly update James on mine and Hannah's conversation, quiet enough so that only he can hear. And I can honestly say that my advice wasn't a result on me disliking Dougie, it was my genuine advice for a friend that I truly care for.

We carry on watching until the end of the programme, and it's pretty safe to say that Jodie and Kyle now have a lot of funny content for their YouTube channel, we could barely shut up whilst watching it. But now that it's done, James is whisking me away from everyone, leading me upstairs. "What's going on?" I ask him, "Shouldn't we stay with the others?"

"I just need to get your opinion on something." He tells me with a smile, holding my hand as he opens the door to our bedroom. "Right, I was going to ask you after everyone left but I just can't wait any longer."

"Ask me what?" I question him, so confused about what's so important. "What do you need my opinion on?"

"So, it's been exactly one year since I met you." He starts with a smile. "A year ago today I walked into that villa and instantly knew that you were the girl for me as soon as our eyes met. Obviously we've had our ups and downs both in the villa and out of it, and this year hasn't been the easiset what with Dougie and Evan. But what I have learned this year is that whatever happens, I want you by my side when I do it. I love you so much, Violetta." And as he's saying this, I think I know what he's getting at, and I'm starting to realise what the question is that he wants to ask me. "I know it's only been a year and a lot of people will think that we're rushing into things and that we're too young, but I know that this is right." He then pulls up his trousers a little and gets down on one knee, revealing a ring box. "So, Violetta Rossi, will you make me the happiest man on the entire planet, and marry me?"

He opens the ring box, revealing the most beautiful engagement ring I've ever seen, and I can't help but smile. But then a thought pops into my mind, and I have to make sure that this is what he really wants. "What about Sofia?" I ask, "It's one thing to say that you want to spend the rest of your life with me, but you have to spend your life with her aswell."

"I love you more than anything in the world, Vee, and Sofia is second on that list of the people I love." He reassures me. "I'm ready to be her dad if you'll let me."

I smile and take hold of his hands, making him stand up from his kneeling position. "You already are her dad." I tell him before standing on my tip toes so that I can kiss him. 

But it's only a matter of time before our kiss gets pulled apart. "Violetta, James." Asher yells, bursting into the room, ruining the moment. "You have to come downstairs, it's Hannah and Dougie."

"Oh shit." I say, the words leaving my mouth as I realise that Hannah must have told Dougie how she feels, and I bet he's not taking it too well.

So all three of us rush downstairs, leaving that beautiful, sentimental moment behind so that we can sort out other people's love lives. 

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