8. Naturals

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Three months later.

"Excited?" James asks me, as the car comes to a stop.

"And nervous." I honestly reply with a small laugh, worried how everyone is going to respond to this.

But then the car door opens, and the flashes coming from cameras is slightly overwhelming, they've practically made me blind. But James manages to make his way out of the car, and he offers me his hand to help me out of the car.

Once I'm out I can see again, and I flash a big smile towards the people with the camera, as they instruct me where to stand, in front of a big board with company logos written all over it. James and I pose together for a couple of minutes, then we make our way inside as I try my very best not to trip over in these gigantic heels. But with my elbow interlocked with James', I know I'm not falling over any time soon.

As soon as we get inside, I'm mesmerised by the size of this place, and the beautiful chandeliers that hang from the ceiling. I've never seen anything quite like it. Though my life has changed dramatically since being in Love Island, I still live in just an average house, nothing fancy. And I've definitely never seen a hall quite in this scale, it's actually quite overwhelming.

But my nerves are instantly calmed as soon as my eyes fall on a specific person. They make their way up to me quickly and encase me in a big hug. "Congratulations!"

"Oh, thank you." I say back with a big smile. "Careful Asher, squeeze me any tighter and I might explode." I joke, causing her to let go off me.

"Sorry I'm just so excited. I can't believe this is really happening." She squeals, taking back her place next to Taylor.

"She hasn't shut up all day." Taylor adds, causing James and I to chuckle. That's definitely sounds like the Asher I know and love.

"Excuse me everyone." I hear through the speakers, "may I have your attention." Silence falls over everyone in the hall and we all turn to face the podium at the front. Melissa Drayforth is standing there, poised as ever. "Thank you. As you're well aware, I am launching a new clothing line tonight and you've all come here to see the first glimpse of it."

"Here we go." James whispers to me, quiet enough so only I can hear him. I carry on facing Melissa, but his hand finds mine, our fingers intertwining.

"However," Melissa continues. "This line is different. I've called it the 'Naturals' collection. And our motto is 'no photoshop, no make up, no lies'." There are a few mumbles through the crowd and I can't quite tell whether people are keen on this idea or not. It's pretty controversial, models are supposed to be the perfect person, not just a plain Jane. "Unfortunately society has started to accept the airbrushed versions of people nowadays, but that's not what I want. I want my clothes to be able to sell themselves, and that's why I want a realistic image of what they'll look like on people. Regardless of whether they have stretch marks or a little extra fat round their stomach or arms. Real people buy these clothes so real people should be selling them too. And I have the great honour of announcing that the face of this campaign is...Violetta Rossi."

It's silent for a second, and all eyes turn to face me. I wish I could read minds, figure out what everyone is thinking. But it doesn't take long, because suddenly everyone erupts into applause, screaming in excitement. The smile on my face grows wider, and a bunch of curtains drop revealing photos from the shoots that I've been on for this campaign. That's me standing right there, embracing who I am.

I turn to look James in the eye and say, "I did it." And he smiles warmly at me in return. "I actually did it. I showed them all the real me."

"I'm so proud of you." He says back, placing a kiss on my forehead and dragging me into a hug. "I know it's been hard for you to show off your body after everything that's happened. But look how far you've come."

"I never would have guessed that this would happen, not in a million years." I laugh, diverting my eyes to the ground.

"Hey, look at those photos up there." He says, practically forcing me to look at the massive printouts on the wall. "That's you, being fiercely real. And you're beautiful."

I smile at his words, because I know the truth about this supposed beauty that I possess. It's James that's made me beautiful. I wasn't like this before, I was just this shy young thing that would keep to herself and never want to draw attention to herself. But now, I feel so confident thanks to James, his words have transformed me into someone beautiful. Not for something as temporary as my looks, but for everything else.

I know people say that sometimes when you're in a relationship you change as a person. But I can truthfully say that I believe I've changed for the better, I'm a whole new person because of him and I can't thank him enough for that. And it's one of the many reasons that I love him, and I know that I want him in my life for a very very long time.

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