Chap 2~사기꾼

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The air was cold. The people only adding to it. Mr. Gertler was waiting for him at his personal bureau. On the third floor, last door on the right. "You made it in time."

"Wanted a no show?"

"No. Take a sit son." Gertler raised him. In ways all Island Records recording artist were raised. "So where am I going?"

"Time being, Korea. South Korea." He slid a yellow envelope filled with the necessary information he might need. "You'll probably have to book your own housing yourself. Just make sure it'll be close to them, you hear?"

"Too clearly." He said while heading for the exit. "That gal you got yourself tied to..don't you ever get tired? Same old person, same worthless-"

"Thar's enough Andrew." He was pushed enough. Hearing the words come out of someone close to him, hurt even double the dose. "Let it be the Last time you mention her again in that tone. You know better." With those words said he banged the door shut and walked his way to his car. Leaving Andrew dazed and shocked with his reaction. What is she to you anyway, XVC?

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How long do I have to tolerate them badmouth her?

It's sadly true. In front of the Queen herself, no one has the balls required to voice out their death wish. Although as her back is turned to them, their mouth are of a overflowing river with no end. 

At ➍:➊➎🅟🅜, XVC parked his car in front of As?'s apartment complex. Taking his time to walk up the two sided stairs and easily open the door. Not a single sound was heard while striding to the only bedroom found in the house. As? was calmly laying with her back on the headboard. Tapping her finger across the screen of her phone. She was shedding skin so quickly when there was one day left. I should hurry before she kicks me out. XVC thought to himself as he gently dragged her out of the bed against both their better judgments. 

"You didn't wake me." 

"Is that a question?" It wasn't a question

"Did you hear a question mark at the end?" They kept giving one another vague responses and statements all the while wearing an extra jacket as it got chiller outside. "You slept."

"Is that a question?" She imitated him in falsetto. He eyes her up for the third time before she said, "You don't have to make it that obvious." He was 난처한(perplexed). What is she talking about? "Make what obvious?" " The effects my beauty has done to you." She looked up at him and grinned like a Cheshire cat. Proud at herself for being so bold on such topic. His laughter pulled her away from her moment of glory. Resonating on all walls and back to burst her ear-drums. He immediately stopped after realizing the scene before him. As?'s curly hair out and free unlike the owner herself. Wearing the same outfit as earlier with an addition of a lighter green jacket; scarf, and glove shoved into her small handbag just in case. The look inside her eyes resembled those found in cartoon-like dragons. Slitted into two and seeing right through him. Down to the broken heart that ceased beating due to his 직면(confrontation). 

Bearing curves he underestimated could be under her possession. Skin glimmering despite the dim-lit room. Her scent conquering his senses. One by one. Did she spray the SIGNATURE I gave her last year? Or is it the GUCCI GUILTY INTENSE 90ml eau de toilette I recieved from Christopher de Lapuente?

"Don't think me gay. Am not interested in males, boy." Emphasizing the last word out as he exited the building. Leaving her in charge of securing the door.

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