Chap 1

18 1 1

   Dressed in a heavy jacket, laced boots, light accessories and a regular plain shirt with pants beneath it all, ??? left her room to eat her breakfast. The kitchen filled with chocolate milk and nutty granola bar aroma. Within three gulps of milk, ??? stepped into the chilly weather locking the entrance to her apartment and heading to the car that has been awaiting her arrival impatiently for the past eight minutes.


   "What the hell took you so damn long?! Do you know how much gas I just burned up waiting for you? I should've just left you, huh?" Rubbing his thump and forefinger on his brows, "Damn it, wish I would have thought it sooner." He mumbled below his breath. With pretense I answered, "Aww, will you stop being all concerned for once? And to answer your questions; I was -still am really- tired, I don't and doubt you do either. Plus, how many times do I have to tell you 'you dumb, old, and slow'?" In the middle of driving, he spared me a glance as if to say I finally lost it. Then again, I don't think I would fully disagree on this one. "You really have lost it. Don't ever act cute again, you almost caused our lives to end right then and there. My life span has already been decreasing since you poisoned me with your presence. No need to add to the cause. And what's wrong with you today? You used John Legend and Khalid's song in your sentence building." Before I could even think of a retort, the car was filled with his laughter, the most dreadful sound mankind has created.

   It's finalized, I regret calling out his name at the outlet near my neighborhood. Regret cautiously walking up to him and a girl that kept clinching to him like a leech on animal skin. Except instead of sucking out blood it's his wallet she was targeting. Fuck, what led me to-      "So, how many days left?" Sigh, I knew what he was referring to, but no need to let him know that. "What days?" "??? you can tell your honey." He teased with a child-like tone. "Come on babe, tell honey how many bees are left in the hive." What the actual feck is wrong with this..this..thing? Just calm down, calm down ???. No need to stress. It's just the hor- "Will you bloody stop with that so called joke for once? You getting on my bloody nerves, you bloody snake."                                                                                                                                                                                       "Wow there, nice to meet you too, Ms. Hormone. Being as you used 'bloody' three times, you're probably on you third day aren't you?" My only response was the gasping reaction on my face. How he knew, or calculated it correctly was beyond me. Ugh whatever, doesn't matter. Same goes to the person itself. "And...we're here."

   We both stepped out of the car. While I was shoving the remains of my breakfast as quickly without choking, he said, "We've known each other only a few years after birth. That seven years in separation wouldn't change the knowledge I acquired within the time frame, so stop acting stupid." With that he grabbed my free hand in his, engulfing it. While I calmly hide my choking face to my side, he said beneath his breath, " Shit, she can't possibly stop acting stupid, she is stupid." ...He defiantly deserved the jab on his ribs. I know he only said that to excuse his actions. " You know..I don't...What are you doing?" I asked, still looking at my prisoned hand. "You are so troublesome. Only guiding your passage, my Queen." As he said that, I tripped but got spared from the impact. Okay he's excused.

   From the side, I could clearly see his lips turn into a smug smirk. Though saying he know he is. "Jerk." "Your one and only."

   Surprisingly we were done with the meeting at his recording agency quite quickly. "Wanna go shopping with me?" "You need more clothes?" "I'm going to travel on Monday. Don't look at me like that. You didn't really plan on leaving me here did you?" He asked with his brows he following me? No..he can't, why- "Ewe, no. I'm going out of state for a week. Although I still don't know exactly where it is. It'll be expected to snow so I'm trying to be prepared for the worse." "You didn't have to tell me all that. I didn't ask." "Mhmm."

   He has money, so it's understandable to say that we spent half of the day in GUCCI, and the other in PUMA. I'm a panther girl, what more to say. "How many bags do you have, child?" "Compared to your closet? Not enough." "Ha ha, funny."

   We arrived at my place around ➒:➎➎🅟🅜. "Is that our baby speaking?" After setting both our goods in the empty space, really the only one, he walked closer to me with exaggerated slowness. "Are you hungry, Yumin? Want daddy to make you a delicious dinner?" How long must he do this to me? "I'm right here. No need for you to burn my kitchen down. It still hasn't recovered from last time." "Hey! It's been twelve weeks. It's beyond recovered. And FYI, I know how to cook." "Didn't say anything regarding your flaws." "See? You would think that with all the cooking classes you took, you'd be grateful. But nah, here you are insulting your only magic card." " Your mom, darling, is the grateful magic card that taught me to do so. While you, useless brat, spat nonsense until you were kicked out." He just looked at me in disbelief. Well, what else was he expecting?

   "Wanna watch a movie?" " You go ahead and choose. I need to book my flight ticket first." "What genre?" "Nothing sci-fi, romance, or action." I headed to my bedroom with my bags while hearing him mutter, "Of course, just because she's on her cycle doesn't mean she changed." I let a chuckle slip past my lips. 

   When was the last time I liberally let him off with physical touching? Oh right, the last five days of last month. He touched me. Again. And even though I am a boy in his eyes, I can't shake the feeling that...WAIT  'feeling'? ???, you are very emotional today. Are you sure its only the cycle, or are you actually pregna- NOPE! Not going there. Not today, not ever. At least given the circumstances and lack of options.

  I need to focus and this needs to be done. My room, not spacious as I'm cheap, is neat and almost as empty as I on regular days. Within the rectangular room, there is a twin bed across the door, night stand on its left with a peach-colored lamp atop. My closet, now void of clothing stood on the right with mirrored doors. As I sat on my bean sack, I examined my room more carefully. Storing it to memories in case of emergencies.

╰☆☆ On all four-sided walls were inspirational quotes; math formulas, and many reminders of home. Written and pasted on light cerulean blue painted as a second skin on the used-to-be all white walls. Yesterday I had packed a hard-side fiber-tech luggage with clothes appropriate for all seasons. And a few other attires to stuff into a handbag.☆☆╮

I removed my laptop, covered from top to bottom with more reminders of home, who I am, and what I am. While browsing for the cheapest flight ticket but still containing the basic moderate necessities of both the customer and environment, a paranormal creature opens my door without knocking. Asking, "Hey, are you gonna come watch the movie or not? Its has been twenty minutes since you left." "I will be right there my lord. Please give me the honor of changing into something more suitable for the occasion." Every word laced with edgy sarcasm. He eyed me with disappointment lining every sharp feature on his unique symmetrical face. "In five" He left.  I switched into my PINK brand short and bra, yellow GUCCI flip flops. 

"You done with your stuff in there?" He asked as I sat next to him with a can of beer on both hands. " Here, you can have the other." He selected Twilight to watch, but changed it to Vampire Diaries once we were both settled in the blanket. 

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"I don't get it, " I knew the silence, the peace and quiet was not to last long. "If you like her, no problem. But don't start loving", Flinch, " her 'cause she looks like your past undead lover. Whom, might I recall, is laying under a tomb with other vamps. Rotting to death. Dammit, your brother might as well be her betrothed." By the time he was done ranting, his chest kept rising and falling as though he ran a mile or two. "I'm tired" An hour and forty minutes in and he is tired. No surprise there. "Night." I walked to my room, leaving him to tend to everything else. Sigh, I am famished. Five minutes in and my bed sunk with the weight shifting on my side. 

The smell hit before the sound did. "I am not-" "Thanks." I grabbed the plate and began feeding my little Yumin.

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