Chapter One

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(Yon's Point of view)
I walked threw the doors of my new school. School actually started a week ago but I arrived in Japan yesterday from America. I was recently living with my aunt but my dad got authorization to me, so now I live in Japan -my birthplace. I looked around and realized it would take forever to find my way to the office. I guess I'll just have to ask someone but who, I mean I really don't like talking to or interacting with people because its so embracing! But I've decided to become a tad bit more soci- *plop*

I fell to the ground with a body on top of me, I just stayed there not moving or saying anything. "AH I'M SO SORRY! Are you hurt? Can you get up? Are you having trouble breathing?" The human weight that was on me jumped up and started rambling. I slowly sat up from my recent face plant and gathered my stuff. By now the girl had slowed her words but didn't stop. "Are-". "I-i'm fine" I said quietly, interrupting her. "Eh! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there and I must of tripped, Gah! Why am I so clumsy?" She continued. "Is there any way I could repay you?" She asked with concern.

"... Can y-you show me ... Where the off-ice i-is?" I asked as my face heated up from embracement, and my voice was as quiet as a mouse.

"Hehe~, Of course." She answered with joy as she stood and I followed her action, a slight tint of red dusting her cheeks. "...T-than-k you..." I whispered, looking down. She started walking after saying "This way.". I nodded and followed her like a lost puppy, my face not changing from how embraced I was.

(Time skip to once they got there)
"Here it is" She spoke up as we stopped in front of a pair of doors. "I hope we meet gain!" She said while waving at me, continuing on her way. A few moments passed and I spoke out gently "... yah". I opened the doors quietly so I wouldn't cause a ruckus. I stood in front of a desk that a lady sat behind, but she hadn't seemed to notice me. "... e-escuse me" I stuttered out, it was getting harder to talk since my odd condition with my shy-ness. "H-huh! Oh sorry I didn't see you there." The lady said with surprise. "...I-it's fine..." I said slightly looking down. "What do you need, sweetie?" The dark haired woman asked kindly.

When she said sweetie something inside my felt weird sorta like something was missing. "... c-can I have my sche-dule p-please?" I asked quietly, as my face heated up slightly. "Of course! Just one moment." She replied and started looking threw some papers but then stopped looking up at me with a closed eye smile. "Sorry dear but what's your name?" She said. "I-i'm So sorry Please Forgive Me!" I squeaked bowing. "W-what it's nothing to-". "I a-am truly sorry f-for not intro-ducing myself!" I said trying to cool my shy-ness but my self hate was filling my mind with words that caused everything to get worse. I could see tears fill my eyes as my vision got blurry.

"M-my n-name is Yon Shirimi. I am now f-forever in your debt, f-for being so mindless." I yelled keeping my head down, staying in the 90 degree bow. "R-Really It's no problem at All." She said waving her hands. I stood up looking into her eyes for a moment then down to the ground muttering "sorry". She just giggled and went back to the papers. She pulled one out and handed it to me. "There you go~ Have an amazing day~. And don't forget If you need anything just ask~" She cheered, happiness dazzling around her. my face heated up even more as I grabbed the paper and bowed. "Thank you." I said, before running out.

I looked at the paper and sighed. I know i'm not that smart so its not a surprise I got into 2-B. I walked around the school for a long time, stopping at a water fountain. I heard many loud steps coming my way and I just froze. "Oh no, we're gonna be so late for class!" A girl whined. "Mr. Tsubaki-sama is gonna kill us!" Another girl whimpered. I saw a small group of girls speed walk pass me, one of them dropping some papers.
Then a thought hit my head, 'Didn't the paper say 2-B's teacher was Mr. Tsubaki?'. I looked at it again and nodded to my self in approval. 'They must be heading that way!' I thought. Before I started following them I saw the papers and picked them.

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