Chapter Two(rewrite)

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((Tamaki's Point of View))

"Well then Yon, may I ask, why were you crying? Such a cute boy like you should have no other reason than happiness to cry." I asked, doing my job as a host, but aso worrying about the fellow student.

"I-it was nothing!" He squeaked out as his face started turning more red.

"Is that so?" I asked the smaller boy with a somewhat teasing tone. 

"..." He looked to the side staring at the ground, only mumbling incoherent words as a response. 

"It’s alright if you don't want to talk about it, I understand." I lifted up his chin, keeping our eyes locked, figuring that it wasn't a topic to pry at, at the time. 

"So, what type of boys are you into?" I asked, smiling at him. His eyes went wide, lips falling slightly agape, from the shock of what I said, his cheeks going a darker red.

"Well there's the ‘Cool Type’, the ‘Strong and Silent Type’, the ‘Boy Lolita’, the ‘Mischievous Type’, or the ‘Natural Type’?" I named off the other types, excluding myself.

"Or maybe you’re into someone like me~ How about it?" I questioned seductively, raising his chin as his head fell again, but I saw him in tears, and not happy tears if I may add that. 

"What's wrong!?" I asked, holding his shoulders. 

His face only scrunched up as if he was about to explode with loud sobs. His body started quivering and he looked down so I couldn't see his face. 

"Shirimi-san, are you o-". 

"Tamaki, I believe you're only making it worse." Kyoya said and shut his book with a small *snap*, causing Shirimi to flinch. 

"Kyoya, you're scaring him too!" I yelled back, scolding my fellow host.

"Hi there! I’m Mitsunki Haninozuka, but you can call me Honey, kay?" I heard the small voice of Honey-senpai in front of me. I looked to see him standing between me and Shirimi, with his hand extended. 

"M-mm, I'm Yon Shirimi, call me w-whatever you want." Shirimi replied, shaking the little boy's hand. I let go of his shoulders and stepped back. 

"Do you like cake?" Honey-senpai asked. 

"Uh y-yeah, sorta" Shirimi said uncertainly.

"Do you want some? Me and Takashi were just eating some." He continued. I walked over to my emo corner and sat down poking the ground, mumbling, "Honey-senpai took him from me. Honey-senpai has everything under control. Honey-senpai will cheer him up, no need for me."

(Honey's Point of View)

I walked in between Tama-chan and the new customer-chan. His eyes were wide and tears threatened to fall. His lip was quivering and he looked stressed. 

"Hi there! I’m Mitsunki Haninozuka, but you can call me Honey, kay?" I exclaimed with my hand extended. 

"M-mm, I'm Yon Shirimi, call me w-whatever you want." He replied, giving a little nod, shaking my hand. Tama-chan let go of his shoulders and stepped back. As we talked he lost the look he had, now his mouth was slightly curved into a soft smile, and his eyes were normal.

"Do you like cake?" I asked. 

"Uh y-yeah, sorta" Yo-chan said not certain.

"Do you want some? Me and Takashi were just eating some." I continued, while Tama-chan walked over to his corner and sat down poking the ground, and mumbling. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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