The End

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There had been a lot of tears over the last few weeks. Mostly coming from Monika, because of her regret, and it was difficult to watch who everyone thought was so confident, just totally break. Monika was broken, but is now fixed. Sayori was depressed, and still is, but not to the degree she was. Natsuki got away, legally, from her dad and moved in with her girlfriend. Yuri had stopped cutting as soon as Natsuki and herself got together, and was overjoyed to have Natsuki move in to get away from her dad.

Everything was happy. Everything was fixed. Everything was as it should be; right.

Everything was finally okie dokie in the Doki Doki Literature Club.

The End

The End.
A satifying phrase.
It marks the end of an old adventure,
And marks the start of a new one.
It helps to heal the wounds,
That were buried so deep within,
But I know that with her by my side,
It will never be the end.

With Everlasting Love,


My Feelings (Monika x Sayori)Where stories live. Discover now