Truth and Trust

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{A/n Hello everyone , currently I am on my fight which was 3 hour delayed , I have a massive headache and also I am hungry as hell so I apologize if any of this affects the chapter but I will try my best to write a decent chapter . Btw I love the above video but it has nothing to do with the chapter . Let's get started ...}

Next morning came sonner then expected , today was a big day especially for Harry . He got ready for the university with all the proofs he collected safe in his bag .

At the university he meet Shawn and Ed who were already waiting for him prepared with all the things he asked for . He will execute his plan in the break so the whole university could see who those girls really were . He went to his class first with all his alphas ,

"Ohh Mr styles , I guess you are feeling better now ." the teacher asked him as soon as she saw him . You see everyone in the university knew about harry being kidnapped thanks to Ed .

"Yes , I am okay now ."

The teacher nodded as Harry took the seat beside his alphas who smiled at him but he just shrugged in response . Harry had a lot on his mind right now , he was trying to figure out every possible outcome of what he was going to do . Is he doing the right thing or not ?

"So student before I start with the lecture I would like to inform you all that in next 3 weeks the King is expected to pay us a visit .."

The teacher explained as the rest of the class cheered . No one noticed four tense faces sitting among them with horror written all over their demeanour . The thing was the world was still ruled by kings . There were kings who ruled the kingdom and lived in the palace with their family very far from the main city or town . No one had ever meet or seen the king or his family so they were ever excited to see who was their king ..

After the lecture Harry went straight to the principal office saying he had some important thing to be discussed . Shawn , Ed and Stan were taking over the cafeteria , while alex was going to every student and teacher asking them to be present at the cafeteria during the break . Gemma and Kendall were at home and the alphas were nowhere to seen . Sam , Jeffery and the girls were also present there not having a slightest idea what was gonna happen .

Finally the bell rang indicating it was break . As aspected everyone came in the cafeteria with curious faces . The cafeteria had a big projector in the middle with a large screen displayed on the wall . Alex was by the projector , Harry near the screen , Stan and Shawn were at the entrance and exit of the area . Sat in front of the room were the principal , police officers and the chairman of the university waiting to see what Harry wants to say .

"Good morning everyone who is present here , first off all I would like to thank all of you for coming here on my request .."

Harry said loud and clear for everyone to hear , he looked around and frowned when he didn't see his alphas anywhere . He raised his eyebrows at Shawn and Stan who shrugged in response . Harry closed his eyes deciding to get on with it , without his alphas .

"As you all may know I was kidnapped few days ago by a witch who is now dead ... But what you all don't know is that there is more to this story ."

The projector was turned on showing the videos from the cctv cameras .

"We all know about the painting being replaced by someone because Zayn had not orginally drawn that painting . But what we didn't know is who did that , let's say I did some investigation and look what I have found ." Harry said as he nodded at Alex who played the video.

Everyone gasped seeing a figure stealing the original painting from the hall and replacing with the fake one ,

"So you all might be wondering who is this fella , did you notice the object that fell from his finger . I found out that it was this ring .." harry said as he showed everyone the ring ,
"now whose ring it might be ...?"

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