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Jon and Jamie tried to knock on Missandei's door, but no one answered. Jon lost all his patience and he took a step back.
"What..." Jamie raised his eyes on him, but he couldn't finish his sentence. Jon kicked out the door and entered immediately. He shocked at the moment when he saw the unconscious girl on the floor. He knelt to her and looking for her pulse. 
"Is she?"
"She is alive." Jon sighed and raised up the girl. He placed her to the couch. "Try to wake her up" he turned to Jamie then went around the house. He had to find some clues. He knew Dany is in trouble. That was obvious by now. And he was almost sure, the Bolton's are behind her disappearance. He put his face into his hands and tried to think. Tried to figure out what he can do now. When he removed his hands, he spotted the phone on the floor. Submerged. He went back to the living room to find a charger. 
"She is waking up" Jamie looked at him and let him sat next to Missandei.
"Missandei? Missandei? Do you hear me?" he tried to get her attention.
"What..." she tried to talk but her head was hurt so much. "What happened?"
"That is what I need to know." he was staring at her. She opened her eyes more and more, and she finally realized where is she, and who is that guy over her. "Dany..." she sighed. 
"Where is she?" 
"I don't remember." she told him slowly and quietly.
"You have to. Missandei, please. She is in danger. You have to remember what happened." Jon almost begged to her. 
"Can I get some water?" Missandei tried to speak but her mouth was dried.
"I bring some" Jamie immediately left to the kitchen. Jon doesn't have patience. Not anymore. He wanted to know the answers, he wanted to know where is Dany and what happened last night. He knew it. He knew if he let her go alone, it happens. 
"Do you have a charger for this?" he raised Dany's phone. She pointed towards the cabinet slowly. Jon stood up and found it. "C'mon" he tried to hurry up the phone but it needed more time.
"Here." Jamie handed the water to her, and helped her to sit up on the couch. She drank all of it. 
"Thank you." she took a deep breath. 
"What the hell happened here?" Jon raised his voice. 
"It won't be better if you shout with her." Jamie told him and looked back to the girl. 
"I... " she started "We went to a bar. To... have some fun and dance. I ... It was boring to watch her sad face, I wanted her to take a break." 
"The point" Jon cut her, and she gave him an angry look or at least she tried.
"I left her there. And came home earlier. I did not feel well, but she had fun and I did not want to ruin it. I..."
"With whom?" Jon stepped closer. 
"A guy from her work. Nothing important." she shook her head "I came home and a man was here. He caught me and ... I was afraid he wanna rape me but he did not hurt me. He did not want me. He wanted Dany. He held a knife to my throat, and we were waiting until she arrived."
"Do you remember him?" Jamie tried to get some details.
"No. It was a power cut, I did not see his face." she explained. 
"And?" Jon asked.
"When she got home, he just ... it is blurry. I think he pushed me away and I hit my head to the table."
"We have to take her to the hospital." Jamie stated. 
"No. No, I am okay, but ... what happened with her? Why did they want to kidnap her? And who?"
Jon did not answer. He still tried to turn on the phone, and finally, he made it. 
"Come on Dany, I knew you have something for me." he searched in the pictures, but nothing, and then he checked the recent files. He found the voice record. 

He listened to it, paid attention to every word, but he couldn't recognize the voice of the man. 
"Take the phone and do a sound analyze." he ordered Jamie "I took her to the hospital." 
"I don't want to..." She started.
"I don't care what you want. You may have a concussion of the brain and I know she would kill me if I let you here." he stepped to Missandei and helped her to stand up. 

Daenerys started to came to mind, after they drugged her. She couldn't think and barely could open her eyes. She was tied up to a tube. The place was dark and she smelled petrol and oil scent. 
"Are you insane?" she heard a woman's voice outside. "I did not tell you to kidnap her. I told you to move her out of the picture. What is next? If he finds out..."
"I changed my mind. If he finds out he'll pay. With all of his wealth. I ruin him. Just as he ruined me." A man answered. 
"I told you. I want her to disappear," she answered, and Dany started to recognize the voice, but she was not sure. She was not sure of anything. She felt her head will blow up. She tried to concentrate. 
"And I want my revenge. Why would I kill her? Why it is good for me? No. I want what that bastard took from me. Then he is yours. I hope you will enjoy him as a poor no one." the man laughed.
"We didn't agree on this." her voice was mad and irritating. Just as... 
"Ygriette, I don't care. You can fuck off." the man answered. Ygriette. Now Dany was sure. She did not want to believe when she heard her voice, but now it was not a question. She ... planned all of this. She wanted to ... get rid of her? She was right. She really missed that shoot when he killed Robb. She wanted to kill both of them, and everything was just a great act after that. 
"I will not leave this to you. You forgot I know everything" she started to threaten the guy, and that moment Dany heard a noise. It sounded he pushed her to the wall.
"If you tell it to anyone, you know me. And I know your life is more important than that. You won't do any silly things or I cut your tongue from your mouth then pull it to your bony ass." the man sounded crazy. "Go. Take care of Jon, until I play with his favorite little toy." he almost ordered Ygriette, and at the next minute, he opened the room door where Dany was. 

"Looky looky who came back to us." he had a scary and frightening smile and he was holding a small knife in his hand. "I hope you have a good sleep." he continued. 
"What do you want?"
"That is interesting, the first question usually is ... who am I..." he mentioned and spun the knife.
"I know who you are." Dany answered.
"Really?" he crouched in front of her. "Tell me." he leaned closer and told to her face. She felt how his saliva dropped into her face. 
"You are Ramsay Bolton. We met once. At a party." she tried to act calm and confident.
"Oh. Now I know why your pretty little cheek why was so familiar." he placed the edge of the knife to her cheek. "What? Did you fuck with the older brother, than with the bastard?" he smiled sardonically. "What a little slut you are."
"I did not fuck with Robb." she answered.
"Interesting. He told me this differently." he leaned closer. "He told me you are a wildcat in the bed. Maybe I will try it" he touched her breast. "But... you are not here because of Robb. The poor boy is dead now. You are here because you picked the wrong Stark at the end." he made a grimace. 
"What do you want from him?"
"Oh, you worry about him, and not for yourself. Interesting" he stood up. 
"You won't hurt me. You need me because you wanna destroy him and you think I am enough for it. Sorry to disappoint you, but you are late a bit. We broke up." 

Ramsay started to laugh at her. She frowned.
"You think I don't know? Do you know how fucking hard was that? Break you apart? That bastard always sent his men with you. There was no chance to kidnap you. A-a. " he shook his head "But then Ygriette came with her brilliant plan and she found your weakness. And you did exactly what we expected from you. Leave him and denied his calls."  he was staring at Dany with his light blue eyes. Those eyes were so scary. 
"And now?" Dany asked "You wanna blackmail him with me? Why?"
"Because that fucking bastard sent me to jail." he raised his voice. 
"It was not him." Dany answered. She knew if he kills or hurt her he has nothing against Jon. No matter how she hated him at that moment, she loved him, and she would die for him. Just as she almost did once. She did not want to ruin his life. "It was me."
"How you protect him. It is so adorable." he stated mockingly "But totally unnecessary to lie. I know it."
"You know it wrong. He did not find out the little clues which lead to you and Robb. No, he just assumed you had a part in his father's death. But he had no idea. Until I gave those clues to him."
"What are you talking about?" He went closer to her and placed the knife to her throat.
"The car mechanic shop, the color of the Ford... you forgot about these little things. It wasn't hard to find out." she kept the eye contact with him. She knew if he kills her now, Jon is in save. He will suffer a bit because of her, but at least, they can't ruin him. She felt how he squeezed the edge of the knife to her throat more and more. She closed her eyes, but at that moment he released her. 
"I know what are you trying to do." he told her. He was shaking and her pupils went wide. "Do not even dare about it bitch. You have a more important role in this."
"Do you really think he would resign everything because of me? Well, it seems you don't know him." Dany told him. She knew it was a lie, but she had to try everything. She was never a lost little girl. He walked closer to her again, crouched, smiled... and after some seconds he slapped her. Hard. 
"You talk too much."

Jon stopped in front of the hospital with his car. 
"Thank you." Missandei lowered her head "And... would you please... call me."
"Of course I will." he nodded and kept his hands on the wheel. Missandei placed her hand to his. He surprised.
"She is harder than you think. She always was. Everything is gonna be okay." she tried to calm Jon and herself too. She did not know what to think. The things what she said were true, but ... she had no idea how dangerous the situation now. Jon did not talk about it, no matter how many times she asked on their way to the hospital. Missandei opened the door and get out of the car. 
"Missandei!" Jon shouted after her. She leaned to the window.
"Who was the guy?" 
"As I said just her colleague, nothing important."
"Let me decide it is important or not. Was it the new guy?" he asked again "Who started not too long ago?"
"Gendry." she nodded.
"Gendry." Jon repeated his name and pushed the accelerator pedal. He needed to check every little detail, and if that Gendry was the last who talked with her that night before she disappeared, then he was sure... Gendry has something to do with it. He turned to the direction to the editorial office. He knew... if Ramsay is the one who kidnapped Dany, he doesn't have much time. 

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