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Jon stormed into the editorial office. He did not ask anything. Sansa and Arya did not dare to say hi to him. He went through the tables and without any hesitation he grabbed Gendry by his neck and pressed him to the table.
"Where is she?" He yelled with him loudly.
"Mr. Snow. Stop please!" Sansa stood behind him and tried to stop him.
"Don't intervene!" He looked at her above his shoulder but did not let Gendry out. Before Jon could turn back to him he escapes from his hands and pressed him to the wall with his elbow. He squeezed it to his neck. Jon did not expect it. He did not expect he has that strength in him.
"I recommend continuing this talk in your office," Gendry told to his face and release him after a second.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Arya asked Jon but he did not answer he just walked into his office and Gendry followed him. He went to his desk and wanted to push a security button to call Jamie.
"I would not do that" Gendry told him and closed the door. "We are on the same side." He throws his pass card to the table. Jon checked it and he looked up to him in shock.
"My real name is Joe. We tried to work with you earlier if you remember... but you were not too cooperative. So we have to choose another way." Gendry took his pass back. "So I built in as a journalist. We watched you and her. We noticed someone is following her right after Roose Bolton brought out his son from the jail. We just needed proof against him. I was almost there. I just needed a few more days to get some pieces of information from Daenerys."
"She does not know anything about it." Jon sighed.
"You are wrong. Or you are lying. We both know that." Gendry answered.
"Interesting she disappeared after you meet with her," Jon mentioned.
"Do we know... What happened?" Gendry raised his eyebrow.
"As you have no idea." Jon was a bit hostile, but that was understandable in that situation.
"I don't. I thought I can... get a bit closer to her but that woman is in love with you. And that caused huge trouble for her as I see. She sent me away don't worry. She did not even think about to let me inside to her home... Look." He took a step closer "I wanna help. Just tell me what happened."
"I tell you in the car. We don't have time for this. Not if Ramsay was the one who kidnapped her." Jon answered immediately, and Gendry nodded. They were walking towards the exit together.
"Hey!" Arya yelled after them. "Where are you going?" she went after them.
"Arya, just go back to work," Jon answered. "You and Sansa can take care of the magazine for the next couple of days." Jon tried to act calm. 
"What? No... I..." Arya had no words.
"We'll do it. We're happy to take responsibility." Sansa stepped next to Arya "But... I have a couple of questions." she tried to hold him back.
"And I am sure you know the answers for those," Jon stated with a so emotionless face, and the next moment they walked out of the editorial office.

"What the hell was that?" Arya raised her eyes at Sansa. "Just give up already." 
"It whort a shot." Sansa shrugged her shoulders. 

Dany's head hurt. She banged her head a bit the last time when Ramsay forced her to shut her mouth, with a slap. She tried to think. She needed to think. Needed to figure out how she could escape. Her hands were tied, in front of her body and there was nothing in the room. Nothing that she could use. When the door opened, she immediately glanced there. It was a maid. Or something like that. With a tray. She walked to her and placed the salver in front of her. Water, bread, fruits... At least they did not wanna starve her to death. 
"Hey." Dany tried to speak with the unknown woman. "Please." she tried to catch her eyes. "Help me. You don't have to do this. If ... the police got to know about it, you'll be the first one who being sacrificed by them, but if you help me to get out, I can help you." she thought it may be a good chance. The maid still did not answer her, but she saw her reactions.  "Please." Dany continued. "If you afraid because you have a family, we can help to keep them safe. And ... we can offer you a job, or money, or whatever you need, just, please. You know it is not good. It is kidnapping, and..." she was talking continously, and she almost reached her goal. 
"Do not dare to do it." Ygriette stepping inside. "Go out," she ordered the maid, and she walked out from the room, meanwhile she was staring at the floor. Ygriette walked closer to Dany and sat to the table opposite to her. 
"It is your luck your host is so generous. I would only give you some water, maybe some dry bread. Or I would have waited until you dry out." Ygriette started, then she reached out her hand, and took a piece of grape from the plate. "You don't seem surprised... that I am here." she took another one. Dany was sitting there in silence. She tried to keep her mouth. Now it was clear, Ygriette was crazy, and if she says something that she doesn't like... she cannot trust her actions.
"So you will not talk to me? Fine." she made a face and stood up. Took a step closer to her, and then Dany just felt the gun barrel on her temple. 
"What do you want?" she swallowed and tried to be calm. 
"So you can talk. Wonderful." Ygriette stated and smiled. "I did not want that. I just wanted to put you out from the picture. Settle an accident, fall into the river, or just explode with the car." she seemed totally out of her mind and she gesticulated hardly with that gun, right next to her face. "But Nah. They destroyed my plan. But I promise" she leaned closer to her ear "I won't let you go back to him alive." she whispered and pulled her head by her hair. 

"Wow," Gendry was amazed when he entered into the basement of the office building with Jon. It was a real computer center. "Do you have permission for this?" he did not expect that. 
"Jamie, did you find anything?" Jon walked to him. 
"The man. Who kidnapped her... based is on his voice it is one of the Clegane brothers." Jamie explained. 
"Do you have any good news?" Jon hit the table. "The Cleganes... how the hell is they connected to this whole thing." he was trying to think.
"I swear it reminds me of the cave of Bruce Wayne." Gendry stated. Now, Jon reached the point when he lost his patience. "You're just like Batman, without the cape."
"More like Tony Stark", Jamie stated quietly. 
"Are you finally done?" he started to yell. "My fiancé is in danger, and her life is in danger. We have to find her. Now! he looked at Jamie. 
"The city is too big." Jamie took a deep breath "but we ... bug Roose Boltons phone." he lowered his voice.
"What?" Gendry took a step closer.
"Let's not get stuck in those things." Jon turned to Gendry. "What do you know... anything that we can use?" 
"There are three places where they have been around recently. "Gendry pointed to the big digital map on the screen. "Roose and Ramsay Bolton. And ... your ex-fiancé." he raised his eyes at Jon.
"What?" Jon surprised. 
"If you ask me... it seems to me that she is involved in it. If she wasn't the inventor, that would not surprise me either. Jealousy made people do ... horrible things." Gendry admitted. 

"I think you regret targeting me badly." Dany couldn't keep her mouth. Ygriette enjoyed torturing her. She put the gun down to the table, but now she was gesticulated with a knife and that was definitely not better. 
"I thought that will bring Jon and me closer again. I thought you'll never get up." she made a face. "Almost." she grimaced. "Just a few inches." 
"I always know... you never really wanted to save me." 
"Of course I don't" she leaned closer to her. "You stole my fucking life. You live my fucking life. I did everything to get this life, him ... and you just walked in and stole it." she cut her face with the knife. Dany hissed, and she felt how the blood running down her face. "I'll make sure you don't look so beautiful anymore." she placed the edge of the knife to the other side of her cheek. "Wonder he'll gonna love you with those scars." 
"Enough!" a determined male voice stopped Ygriette. 
"That is really your lucky day," she told straight to her face, then straightened up. That moment, Dany saw how her phone fell out of her pocket. She kept her eyes on the man and Ygriette, who were standing face to face each other.
"What the hell are you doing here?" the man asked her.
"Had some fun" Ygriette answered, but the man grabbed her hand and took the knife out from her hand.
"I told you that she couldn't be hurt. Now get out," he ordered her. 
"It was my plan, and you ruined it." Ygriette leaned closer to his face. "I wanted her to be dead."
"Your petty revenge is nothing compared to the money and influence what we can get from him." the man was clearly mad.

Dany tried to remain unseen, and she crawled closer to the phone, while they were busy with each other. She successfully hid it to under a rag on the floor, before the man sent Ygriette out of the room. She just hoped it won't ringing until he is there. 
"My apologies." the man leaned to her and swiped the blood from her face with a handkerchief. "Sometimes young ones are hard to keep under control" he smiled. "Untie her rope. Let her eat something," he ordered the huge man behind him. If it was dark, when she was kidnapped, she remembered that scent, those huge arms. That was the man who took her away. Who hit Missandei. 
"Do not touch me" she pulled herself away, but he just ripped off the ropes from her hand, with one move. 
"Eat." the unknown man glanced at the food. 
"I am not hungry," Dany answered. Her wrist hurts. The rope squeezed those. 
"You should eat. I won't ask again." 
"Who are you?" Dany kept her eyes on the man. 
"How rude I am." the man gave her a gentle smile "My name is Roose Bolton, and you are my beauty, you are the key to my future. To my family's future." he caressed her cheek, but Dany pushed his hand away. She did not try to run away, it was clear she has no chance. No. The phone was her best chance. 
"You are a feisty little bitch." he laughed at her. "I get why he likes you. Sad, that you'll never see him again," he added, then turned his back at her.
"What do you mean? I thought you only want to blackmail him, with me." Dany started to worry. Roose stopped and turned back to Daenerys.
"That is the first step. But we don't want only to blackmail him. No. We want to destroy him. Once and for all. And the most is important step is your death my darling. After he signed the contracts." 
"He won't. Not while I am your prisoner."
"We have our methods. What a pity you have to die." he was staring at her face. "You choose the wrong guy." he shook his head and then turned to the huge man. "Clegane. Tie her. We have to go" he walked out of the room and the huge man walked to Daenerys and tied her hands again.

The moment when the door closed, Dany knelt down and started to search the phone. "Please. Please. Let's work" she whispered, but couldn't unlock the keypad. "Fuck" she rolled her eyes. She heard noises again from the corridor, she knew ... she needed to figure out something. Now. 

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