Chapter One

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        "I have been king for three months. My father was a great ruler, but now I hold the responsibility of Gnar. I-I can't do it!" 

        "Richard my son, you of course will be as great of a ruler as your father and maybe even better one day!"

        Richard listened to his mother with dread. She is only saying that to make me feel better. I need to get out of this castle!  He nodded to his mother in farewell and headed out of his grand bedroom. He passed through the hallways of the glorious Azir Castle. Richard walked in front of the Throne Room into the courtyard. Trainees were training many different skills; fencing, horse riding, archery, and the list goes on. He decided to watch the trainees and give them encouragement.

        The trainees cheered as Richard walked by. Gnar's new general, Ava, was in charge of watching over the trainees. She nodded to Richard as he past by. He looked to the left and saw the targets for archery. Suddenly, he noticed a young woman around 16, shoot three arrows at the same time into three different middle targets.

        "Amazing! Great job- er whats your name?" General Ava asked.

        "Bella, my name's Bella." The markswoman said quietly.

        Richard walked closer to her, fascinated by her luscious, oak brown hair and pale skin. She has bright red lips and forest green eyes. Everything about her was … beautiful. 

        "Hello fair maiden. I see you have great skill  in archery. Do you hail from Ashe possibly? I know how Asheians have natural talent in archery."

        "Indeed your majesty" She kneeled.

        "No need for that please! I just wanted to talk to you. Your just so pretty and- wait what did I just say?" She chuckled at my outburst.

        "Your very uh handsome for a know-it-all lordling." she exclaimed

        "Haha whatever you say. Do you maybe want to go on a pleasant stroll with me into the forest?" Richard said as he held out my hand.

        She put away her bow and agreed to come. They talked throughout the night and they fell in love with each other. She was the key to his locked heart. The wood to his fire. The light to his darkness.

        "Bella, I have never met anyone like you before. No one has completed me like you. I-I have something to ask you." He got down on one knee and held out his father's treasured ring.

        "Will you be my wife Bella?"

        "I-I-of course yes! We will be together till death does us apart." She replied happily.

        "Indeed my love, indeed." 

        They kissed for the first time. Her lips felt so warm against mine making me feel joyous beyond any happiness I have felt before. Nothing could come between us. 


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